XFOR: Troubleshooting Lotus cc:Mail Connector Errors
ID: Q198708
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5
The following steps may be used when the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus cc:Mail fails with Event 70, 61, and other errors that are dependent on them.
MORE INFORMATION- Log on as the Exchange Server service account used by all the Exchange Server services.
- Check the post office name, password, and path. From the command prompt or from the Start menu, try to connect to the UNC path listed.
- Make sure that you can write and read to that directory.
- Most cc:Mail post offices reside on Novell servers with some sort of Windows NT gateway installed on another computer. Make sure that all permissions are correct on both the Novell and Windows NT side of things. Check that the Novell account has the same name as the Exchange Server services account, and the same password.
- Check the integrity of the cc:Mail post office by running Analyze or Reclaim on the cc:Mail post office.
NOTE: The cc:Mail administrator may have to perform this task.
- Check the cc:Mail post office version, and the import and export programs. Make sure they are in the path.
- Check the cc:Mail post office for a user name listing the Exchange Server computer as an indirect post office with the correct comments field, that is, MSExchangeCCMC servername.
- Try running the CCMC program from the Exchsrvr\Connect\Ccmail\Bin directory. This essentially spawns the cc:Mail connector service. There is usually a lot of useful information as to possible places to look for errors, and so on.
- To test directory synchronization (dirsync) manually, run the command, ccmc ccdir. This spawns a console session. Note that pressing CTRL+BREAK will stop the service.
- You don't need to reshare the Novell cc:Mail directory; a simple UNC to the directory is probably better. Note that in some cases, a connection using the gateway is required.
- If mailflow is backing up from cc:Mail to Exchange Server, check the Export directory on the Exchange Server computer for any orphaned files. This directory can be found under the Exchsrvr\Ccmcdata directory.
- If mailflow is backing up from Exchange Server to cc:Mail, check the Submit or Import directories on the Exchange Server computer for any orphaned files. The directories can be found under the Exchsrvr\Ccmcdata directory.
- Any orphaned files can be temporarily moved to another location. The cc:Mail connector should be stopped before moving these files. If the removal of these orphaned files clears up the mail backlog, these files should be sent to Microsoft Products Support for further analysis.
- For additional information on the cc:Mail connector, refer to the "Lotus cc:Mail Migration and Connectivity to Exchange Server" Web page:
Lotus cc:Mail Migration and Connectivity to Exchange Server
Additional query words:
ccmail connector; ccmc
Keywords :
Version : winnt:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto