XFOR: Command-Line Migration to Exchange Server Causes Error Message

ID: Q234057

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5


When you use the Migration wizard (Mailmig.exe) for a batch-mode migration, the following error message may be displayed:

Required keyword 'mode,' is missing in the control file.
This message indicates that a required option is not supplied in the control file. This article cites different sources for information on using the Migration wizard.


When you configure a custom source extractor to migrate from a foreign electronic mail system to Exchange Server, or when you create a command-line migration using the Migration wizard, refer to the online documents on the Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Enterprise Version CD-ROM. Insert the CD-ROM, and click Documentation, click Exchange Server, and then click Migration.

The "Creating a Source Extractor" section is a guide to the options you need to design a custom source extractor. In this section, refer to the "Configuring Command-Line Options" topic:

Configuring Command-Line Options-

For automation, compatibility, and ease of use, configure the source extractor to support the following command-line options:
Batch control file
Accounts file
Administrator account and password
The appendix titled "Command-Line Options for the Migration Wizard" follows the "Creating a Source Extractor" section. It contains the options you need to include in the control file that is used when you run the Migration wizard command-line in batch mode; refer to this appendix when you migrate using the Migration wizard.

For more information, please refer to the Help documentation on the Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Enterprise Version CD-ROM.

Additional query words:

Keywords : exc55
Version : winnt:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: August 16, 1999
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