XWEB: OWA Stops Responding after Applying Exchange Server 5.5 SP2

ID: Q235228

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5
  • Microsoft Outlook Web Access, version 5.5 Service Packs 1, 2


After you apply Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5, Outlook Web Access (OWA) may stop responding and produce the following Drwtsn32.log:

Application exception occurred:
App: exe\inetinfo.dbg (pid=256)
When: 5/5/1999 @ 11:26:32.523
Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)


If the symbols are installed correctly on the computer, the callstack will look similar to the following:

FramePtr  RetAddr   Param1   Param2   Param3   Function Name
05aaf868  6277d48f  20b02f28 62782266 20b02f28 EMSMDB32!DeinitEMSUI+0xf
05aaf870  62782266  20b02f28 07e018e8 20b1c9c0 EMSMDB32!PerInstDeinit+0x3f
05aaf884  6fada321  20b02f28 62791aed 20b02f28 EMSMDB32!PRVDROBJ::Release+0x46
05aaf88c  62791aed  20b02f28 00000000 07e018e8 MAPI32!UlRelease+0x11
05aaf8a0  627922c0  07e018e8 07eb4f80 07e57038 EMSMDB32!RMSP_Destroy+0x4d
05aaf8b4  6fada321  07e018e8 6fa974df 07e018e8 EMSMDB32!RMSP_Release+0x40
05aaf8bc  6fa974df  07e018e8 07e018e8 08051480 MAPI32!UlRelease+0x11
05aaf948  6fada321  07e57038 62794866 07e57038 MAPI32!CommonSupportRelease+0x3cf
05aaf950  62794866  07e57038 08051480 08051480 MAPI32!UlRelease+0x11
05aaf968  627946d7  07e57038 20a9f010 05544330 EMSMDB32!ROBJ_Destroy+0xe6
05aaf97c  6f07a1af  08051480 05544330 6f0896e8 EMSMDB32!ROBJ_Release+0xc7
05aaf988  6f0896e8  05544330 6f06c57b 00000001 CDO!CPropArray::~CPropArray+0xf
05aaf99c  6f06c256  00000000 05544330 00000000 CDO!CInfoStore::CInfoStore+0x28
05aaf9b8  6f06c663  20a9f010 20a9f010 6f06c69b CDO!CDispatchObj::Release+0x26
05aaf9cc  6f06c609  02124dd0 20a9f010 6f085f8c CDO!CDispatchObj::M_InvalidateChildren+0x43
05aaf9d8  6f085f8c  00000000 20a9f010 00000000 CDO!CDispatchObj::M_InvalidateObj+0x49
05aafa10  6f083076  6f06ca20 015a26c0 00000000 CDO!CSession::M_ScLogoff+0xdc
05aafa14  6f06ca20  015a26c0 00000000 00000000 CDO!CSession::V_HrInvoke+0xb6
05aafa24  6b60d1e1  20a9f010 00000076 6b641458 CDO!CDispatchObj::Invoke+0x60({...})
08051480  07fd0710  00000000 4a040003 00000000 0x6b60d1e1
627adc80  627945b0  62794610 6278b3a0 6278b3f0 0x07fd0710 
NOTE: The fix needs to be applied on the computer running OWA.


To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Exchange Server version 5.5. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q191014 XGEN: How to Obtain the Latest Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack
The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later:

Component: MDB

File name Version
Emsmdb32.dll 5.5.2628.0


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5 SP2. This problem was first corrected in Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 3.

Additional query words: inetinfo, emsmdb32, crash

Keywords : exc55 exc55sp1 exc55sp2 EXC55SP3Fix
Version : WINDOWS:5.5; winnt:5.5
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: September 28, 1999
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