XADM: Directory Service Returns Exception e0010006 with Parameters 4 and 1

ID: Q243786

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5


The directory service may log an Event ID 1171 if internal processing diagnostic logging is turned up on the directory. The following error message is displayed:

Exception e0010006 has occurred with parameters 4 and 1 (internal ID 4070357). Contact Microsoft Technical Support for assistance.


This error message results from a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) search that returns more results than the maximum number of results specified in the LDAP properties of the server that reports the error.


This setting is 100 by default. You can change the setting by using the Exchange Server Administrator program. Click the Protocols container, click LDAP Site Properties, and then click Search.

Additional query words:

Keywords : exc55
Version : winnt:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 20, 1999
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