XADM: Informational Event ID 202 for Space Tree Issues in Exchange Server Version 5.5 Service Pack 3

ID: Q246845

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5 SP3


After you upgrade to Exchange Server version 5.5 Service Pack 3, the following event may be logged in the application event log:

Event ID: 202
Source: ESE97
Category: Space management
Description: MSExchangeIS (248) Database 'd:\exchsrvr\MDBDATA\PRIV.EDB': The database engine has built an in-memory cache of 9500 space tree nodes on a B-Tree (Objid: 48528, PgnoRoot: 1756258) to optimize space requests for that B-Tree. The space cache was built in 828 milliseconds.


This is an informational event that you need only when you troubleshoot space tree issues, and you can safely ignore it.

Additional query words: JET

Keywords : exc55sp3
Version : winnt:5.5 SP3
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 2, 1999
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