FIX: Compiler Displays Incorrect Line-Number Information

ID: Q111091

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS, versions 1.0, 1.0a
  • Microsoft Fortran Powerstation 32 for Windows NT, version 1.0


An attempt to compile a file that contains more than 32767 source lines may produce incorrect line-number information for compile-time error and warning messages appearing after the 32767th line in a file. The line numbers displayed are either negative or fall in the 0 (zero) to 32767 range.

When compiling from within the Visual Workbench, you cannot automatically jump to lines containing these invalid line numbers.


The line-number information is displayed as an INTEGER*2 value.


If a subprogram is less than 32K in size, place the subprogram in a separate file when compiling. Once debugged, the source file can be added to the end of the original file if desired.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in FORTRAN PowerStation 32 for Windows NT and MS-DOS, version 1.0 and 1.0A. This problem was fixed in FORTRAN PowerStation, version 4.0.


The following code can be compiled and run to create a sample that demonstrates the problem:

Sample Code

c Compile options needed: none
      open(1,file='b.for',status='new')  ! Creates B.FOR
      write(1,*)   '     x = 0'
      do i=1,32*1024 - 1
        write(1,*) '     x = x + 1'
      end do
      write(1,*)   '     x == x + 1'
      write(1,*)   '     print*, x'
      write(1,*)   '     end'

Additional query words: buglist1.00 1.00A

Keywords :
Version : :1.0,1.0a
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 2, 1999
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