FIX: Access Violation with Pass by Value and -Ox -G3

ID: Q112011

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Fortran Powerstation 32 for Windows NT, version 1.0


Using FORTRAN PowerStation for Windows NT to compile subprograms that pass arguments by value (either by using [C] or [VALUE]) may produce an "access violation" application error message box when compiling with both -G3 and - Ox.


This compile-time error appears to be caused by either passing mismatched arguments by value, or by passing expressions by value in the argument list.


When using -G3 and -Ox and passing by value, always match argument lengths and types and do not pass expressions.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for Windows NT, version 1.0. This problem was corrected in FORTRAN PowerStation 32, version 4.0.


The following sample passes expressions by value, and will cause the compiler to generate an access violation when compiling with -G3 -Ox:

Sample Code

c Compile options needed: -G3 -Ox
        subroutine s[c](rr,r4,r8,rt,rs)
        real*8 r8
        write(*,*) rr, r4, r8, rt,rs

        real*8 r8 /0.d0/ 
        r4 = 0.
        rr = 0.
        rs = 0.
        rt = 0.
        call s(rr, r4,     r8,     rt, rs)
        call s(rr, r4+1.0, r8-1.0, rt, rs)

Additional query words: 1.00 Dr. Watson

Keywords : kbCompiler kbFL32 kbFortranPS
Version : :1.0
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 2, 1999
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