PRB: COMMAND+W and CTRL+W Do Not Close All WindowsID: Q107826 The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSPressing COMMAND+W or CTRL+W does not close every window that has a close box, as the ESC key does. For example, clicking the close box or choosing Close from the File menu in a screen, menu, or report invokes the following dialog box if any changes were made:
Pressing COMMAND+W or CTRL+W immediately saves any changes and closes the
file, bypassing the "Do you want to save changes?" dialog box. If a new
report or screen is being created, a second "Save Environment?" dialog box
will appear regardless of the method used to close the file.
However, if COMMAND+W or CTRL+W is pressed in other windows, such as the Debug window, a character will appear in the window and the window will remain open.
STATUSThis behavior is by design. The intent of the COMMAND+W or CTRL+W key combination is to allow you to bypass the "Do you want to save changes?" dialog box. This key combination cannot be used to close windows that do not invoke this dialog box. Additional reference words: vFoxMac 3.00b FoxMac 2.50b control KBCategory: kbprg kbprb KBSubcategory: |
Last Reviewed: May 21, 1996 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |