PRB: Can't Find QuickTime Movie Embedded in General Field

ID: Q108620

2.50b 3.00b MACINTOSH


The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, version 2.5b


If you double-click a QuickTime movie that is embedded in a general field, a dialog box with the following message is displayed:

   The movie file "<name of movie>" cannot be found. Without this
   file, the movie cannot play properly.


Because QuickTime movies can be very large in size, they can only be linked to the general field rather than truly embedded. If a QuickTime movie is linked to a general field, the movie must be able to be located for it to be played.


Link the QuickTime movie to the field again so that the path to the movie is updated.


FoxPro for Macintosh comes with a QT OLE Server program that is used for inserting (linking) QuickTime movies in general fields in FoxPro databases. Visual FoxPro for Macintosh version 3.0b comes with Microsoft Movie version 1.0.1.

Steps to Reproduce Problem

These steps apply to FoxPro for Macintosh version 2.x only.

1. Insert a QuickTime movie in the general field of a FoxPro for Macintosh

   database by opening the general field and choosing Insert Object from
   the Edit menu. Select QuickTime Movie from the list of object types
   shown in the Insert Object dialog box. Then choose the File button and
   locate the desired QuickTime movie.

   The QuickTime movie should now be linked to the general field.

2. Double-click the movie to play it. If it plays properly, close the
   general field. If it doesn't play, repeat step 1.

3. Switch to the Finder and drag the QuickTime movie that is linked to the
   general field to the Trash. (Make sure you have a backup copy of the

4. Empty the Trash.

5. Switch back to FoxPro and reopen the general field by double-clicking it

   in the Browse window.

6. Double-click the movie. The dialog box described above should appear.

Additional reference words: vFoxMac 3.00b FoxMac 2.50b object linking and embedding errmsg err msg

KBCategory:   kbprb
Keywords          : kberrmsg kbprb
Version           : 2.50b 3.00b
Platform          : MACINTOSH

Last Reviewed: May 21, 1998
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