HOWTO: Prevent Multiple Instances of an Application
ID: Q109059
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 5.0
Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.5x, 2.6x
The program shown below demonstrates how to stop a second instance of the
same FoxPro window from being started by using the Windows application
programming interface (API) function FindWindow() to test if a given window
name already exists. The FindWindow() function can be accessed by including
FOXTOOLS.FLL, the library file that is supplied with FoxPro for Windows and
documented in the Foxtools.hlp file.
NOTE: This method does not prevent multiple instances of FoxPro for Windows
from starting.
NOTE: This works in Windows for Workgroups 3.00, Windows 95, and Windows
Copy this code into a program file in FoxPro for windows. The first time
you call the program, you will notice the main FoxPro window title change.
The second time you run it, you will get the message that you cannot start
another instance of the window.
NOTE: Set the window name after you check for its existence.
SET LIBRARY TO SYS(2004)+"foxtools.fll" ADDITIVE
* FindWindow() takes two parameters and returns the handle of the
* window, HWND, if it was found.
GetWind = RegFn("FindWindow", "CC", "I")
*Set the first parameter of the call to getwind to 0, null.
winname="My Application"
apphand=CallFn(GetWind,wclass ,winname)
*If the call was successful, stop processing.
IF apphand<>0
"You cannot start another instance of the window 'My Application'!"
MODIFY WINDOW screen TITLE "My Application"
"The first instance of the window 'My Application' is running."
Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit, "Programmer's Reference,
Volume 2: Functions," page 309
Foxtools.hlp, located in the C:\Vfp\Tools
Additional query words:
foxtools sdk fll api recursive recursion loaded twice
Keywords : kbcode kbinterop kbVFp300 kbVFp500
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbhowto