How to Select Custom Page Sizes in FoxPro for Macintosh

ID: Q110360

2.50b 3.00b MACINTOSH kbprint kbprg

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, version 2.5b
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b


The FoxPro for Macintosh Report Writer does not allow the selection of custom page sizes, regardless of the type of printer selected. In FoxPro for Windows, this functionality is available if the printer driver selected allows the use of custom page sizes. To add this functionality to FoxPro for Macintosh, see the information below.


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You can edit the FoxPro for Macintosh resource file to add this functionality. The following information is excerpted from the FoxPro ReadMe file shipped with FoxPro for Macintosh.

Changing Paper Sizes for the ImageWriter

To change paper sizes for the ImageWriter printer, you need to adjust the FoxPro for Macintosh resource file. Information about paper sizes is stored in the PREC resource of FoxPro and is accessed through the Page Setup dialog box.

Custom page sizes are not available with all printer drivers. For example, you cannot change the paper size used by a LaserWriter.

To add a custom paper size option to the Page Setup dialog box:

1. Quit FoxPro for Macintosh.

2. Open FoxPro for Macintosh in a resource editor (such as ResEdit).

3. Open the PREC resource.

4. Open the ID number 4.

5. In the field labeled "Number of Btns," change the number from 5 to 6.

6. In the fields labeled "Btn 6 Height" and "Btn 6 Width," enter the height

   and width of the new paper size. Each number represents 1/120th of an
   inch. For example, an 8.5-by-11-inch paper size has a height of 1320
   and a width of 1020.

7. In the field labeled "Btn 6 Name," add a descriptive name to appear next
   to the button.

8. Save your changes and exit the resource editor.

To use the custom paper size option:

1. Select an ImageWriter printer with the Macintosh Chooser.

2. Start FoxPro.

3. From the File menu, choose Page Setup.

4. Choose the custom paper size.

NOTE: FoxPro adds a .5-inch margin to the top of all documents printed with an ImageWriter. To remove this margin, select the No Gaps Between Pages check box in the Page Setup dialog box.

Additional reference words: VFoxMac 3.00b FoxMac 2.50b mailmerge text KBCategory: kbprint kbprg KBSubcategory:

Keywords          : kbprg kbprint
Version           : 2.50b 3.00b
Platform          : MACINTOSH

Last Reviewed: December 18, 1997
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