How to Emulate Function Keys in FoxPro for Macintosh

ID: Q112352

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, version 2.5b
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b


A number of FoxPro functions use a function key as a hot, or shortcut, key; however, many Macintosh systems use keyboards that do not have function keys. To emulate function keys on these systems, you can use a CONTROL+COMMAND+<number> key combination.


The hot key to bring the Command window forward is COMMAND+F2. FoxPro for Macintosh treats the CTRL and COMMAND keys the same, allowing users that don't have function keys to mimic the COMMAND+<function key> combination. To do this, hold both the CTRL and COMMAND keys down while pressing the number of the function key to activate. For example, the Command window hot key combination would be CTRL+COMMAND+2 instead of COMMAND+F2. To cycle through active windows, the key combination would be CTRL+COMMAND+1 instead of COMMAND+F1.

Additional reference words: VFoxMac 3.00b FoxMac 2.50b fkey ctrl hotkey access key accelerator KBCategory: kbprg KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: June 1, 1996
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