PRB: Transport Screens w/ PICT Files from Macintosh to Windows

ID: Q113689

2.6x 3.00 WINDOWS


The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.6x


Creating a screen in FoxPro for Windows that uses a PICT file from FoxPro for Macintosh will produce a "Picture too big, corrupt, or wrong format" error message if FOX.BMP cannot be found in the main FoxPro for Windows directory. If FOX.BMP can be found, it will automatically be substituted for any PICT file when you transport a screen from FoxPro for Macintosh to FoxPro for Windows.


To avoid this behavior, use the PICT-to-BMP utility that ships with FoxPro for Macintosh (it is located in the GOODIES:MISC subfolder by default). You can either convert the PICT file to a .BMP file and use that file on both platforms, or you can just move the .BMP file along with the *.SC? files so that the bitmap can be used with FoxPro for Windows.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Create a screen in FoxPro 2.5b for Macintosh.

2. Add a word to the screen using the Text tool in the Screen Builder


3. Add a picture to the screen; for example, FOX.PCT. To add the PICT file,
   use the Picture tool in the Screen Builder toolbox.

4. Move the *.SC? files to a Windows machine.

5. To see the error message, either move FOX.BMP out of the FoxPro for

   Windows directory or rename the file.

6. Using FoxPro 2.6 for Windows, try to modify the screen that was created
   on the Macintosh.

At this point, the transporter is invoked. During the transport, you will be asked to locate the file. Unless you select a particular .BMP file, FOX.BMP in the FOXPROW directory will be substituted. If another .BMP file is not selected and FOX.BMP cannot be found, you will get the error message "Picture too big, corrupt, or wrong format," and the screen file will not open.

Additional reference words: VFoxWin FoxWin 2.60 2.60a 3.00 errmsg err msg cross platform xplat transfer convert transport translate

KBCategory:   kbprb
KBSubcategory: FxtoolSbuilder
Keywords          : kberrmsg FxtoolSbuilder 
Version           : 2.6x 3.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998
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