PRB: File Open Dialog Doesn't Display Table Copied by Finder

ID: Q115909

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, versions 2.5b, 2.5c
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b


The File Open dialog box doesn't list a table/.DBF file that has been copied by the Macintosh Finder.


The special DEL key, located under the INS/HELP key of an Apple Extended Keyboard II, was used to delete the text " copy" from the table's name. This key replaces the selected text with a hollow rectangle that isn't visible with all fonts.

In the Finder, this key does not behave as a DELETE key.


Use the DELETE key, located to the right of the "+=" (plus and equal sign) key, to delete the text " copy" from the table's name. This key is located where the BACKSPACE key is usually located on an MS-DOS system's keyboard.


This behavior is by design.


The DELETE key behaves similarly to the BACKSPACE key on an MS-DOS system's keyboard. It either deletes the character to the left of the insertion point or all of the selected text.

The behavior of the DEL key varies depending on the program that is running. For example, when you are editing text or an object in a FoxPro window, this key behaves like the DELETE key.

To view the empty rectangle created by the DEL key in the Finder, open the Views Control Panel and change the font in the Font For Views box to the Chicago font.

Steps to Reproduce Problem

These steps assume the following:

  • FoxPro is installed in a folder (directory) named "FOXPRO".
  • An empty folder named "TEST" exists on the volume.

1. From the Apple menu, choose Control Panel.

2. Double-click Views.

3. In the Font For Views box, select Geneva. Close the Views window.

4. Using the Finder, select the Detail.dbf file located in the

   FOXPRO\TUTORIAL subfolder.

5. From the File menu, choose Duplicate. This creates a file called
   "Detail.dbf copy."

6. Drag the "Detail.dbf copy" file to the TEST folder.

7. Select the " copy" (include the preceding space) portion of the file's

   name. Press the DEL key located under the INS/HELP key to delete this
   part of the name, so that the file's name now appears to be "Detail.dbf"
   (without the quotation marks).

8. Start FoxPro.

9. From the File menu, choose Open. Verify that the Type box shows

   Table/DBF. Open the TEST folder.

Note that Detail.dbf is not listed.

Additional reference words: VFoxMac 3.00b FoxMac 2.50b 2.50c square empty show database table KBCategory: kbprg kbprb KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: June 1, 1996
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