Resource Type, Creator, & Date for FoxPro for Mac and DK

ID: Q116038

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, versions 2.5b, 2.5c
  • Microsoft FoxPro Distribution Kit for Macintosh, versions 2.5b, 2.5c


Listed below are the type, creator, and creation date and time for each version of FoxPro for Macintosh and its associated Distribution Kit.


The FoxPro application file is named "Microsoft FoxPro." The Distribution Kit support file is named "FoxMac25.esl." Both are located in the main FoxPro folder.

Most files have a resource type of APPL and a creator of FOXX. However the Visual FoxPro Support Library PPC has a creator of FOXS and the Visual FoxPro Support Library 68K has a creator of FOXL.

   Filename              Version    Date Created        Time Created

   Microsoft FoxPro         2.5b       Sat, Dec 4, 1993    1:34:18 PM
   FoxMac25.esl             2.5b       Wed, Jan 5, 1994    5:51:52 PM
   Microsoft FoxPro         2.5c       Mon, Mar 21, 1994   3:14:04 PM
   FoxMac25.esl             2.5c       Mon, Mar 21, 1994   7:08:04 PM
   Microsoft Visual FoxPro  3.0b       Thu, May 9, 1996
   VFP Support Library PPC  3.0b       Thu, May 9, 1996
   VFP Support Library 68K  3.0b       Thu, May 9, 1996

NOTE: This information was determined using Apple's resource editor, ResEdit. Because a file may be damaged if incorrect changes are saved from ResEdit, its use is only recommended for advanced Macintosh users. ResEdit does not come with the Macintosh operating system, but can be obtained from Macintosh user groups or the Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA).

Additional reference words: vFoxMac 3.00b 2.50b 2.50c dk KBCategory: kbref kbtool kbprg KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: June 12, 1996
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