How to Use the FoxPro Spelling Checker (SPELLCHK.APP)

ID: Q117212

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.5, 2.5a, 2.5b, 2.6
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, versions 2.5b, 2.5c


This article is intended to provide supplemental information on how to use the FoxPro spelling checker (SPELLCHK.APP). Note that there are no examples showing how to use the spelling checker in either the manuals or the online Help files.


_SPELLCHK is a system memory variable that contains the drive, path, and name of the spelling checker program. For example, the value contained in the _SPELLCHK variable might be:

This information can be found in the online Help file by searching for "SPELLCHK," but cannot be found in any of the manuals.

To illustrate how to use the spelling checker, do the following:

  1. Use the Screen Builder to create a screen named TEST.

  2. The Setup Code snippet should contain:
          USE tutorial\salesman 

  3. The Cleanup Code snippet should contain:
          CLOSE ALL 

  4. Place the following objects on the screen:

    1. A GET object with an input field of SALESMAN.NAME.

    2. An EDIT region object with an input field of SALESMAN.NOTES.

    3. A push button object with a variable field of CHOICE, a push button prompt of "Spell Check" (without the quotation marks), and a VALID clause procedure containing the following code:
               SET SAFETY OFF
               CREATE TABLE notefile (dummy C(1), notes m)
               APPEND BLANK
               REPLACE notefile.notes WITH salesman.notes
               MODIFY MEMO notefile.notes NOWAIT
               DO (_SPELLCHK)
               CLOSE MEMO notefile.notes
               REPLACE salesman.notes WITH notefile.notes
               ERASE notefile.dbf
               ERASE notefile.fpt
               ERASE notefile.bak
               SET SAFETY ON
               SELECT salesman
               SHOW GETS 

  5. Generate the screen, and then run it by issuing the following command in the Command window:
          DO TEST.SPR 

NOTE: The file MSSPELL.DLL, which is a dynamic-link library installed by Microsoft Word 6.0, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Publisher, and Microsoft Works for Windows, must be present in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM or WINDOWS\MSAPPS\PROOF subdirectory for SPELLCHK.APP to work.

MSSPELL.DLL is owned and licensed by a third-party vendor. To use this DLL, you must contact the vendor and obtain a licensing agreement. The vendor will require a nominal fee for licensing the usage of its DLL.

Soft-Art's owns MSSPELL.DLL and can be reached at:

Linguistic Software Solutions (Soft-Arts's marketing group) Phone: 813-642-6010 Fax: 813-642-5774 Attn: Pat Carder

Additional query words: VFoxWin FoxMac FoxWin 2.50 memvar docerr

Keywords : FxtoolSbuilder
Version : 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 3.00 | 2.5
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 20, 1999
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