How to Produce a List of Other Applications Running in Windows

ID: Q121242

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 6.0
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.5x, 2.6, 2.6a


This article demonstrates an approach that you can use to produce a list of all applications that are running under Microsoft Windows.


It is sometimes necessary for a FoxPro application to determine whether another application is running. The following article explains how to use the FindWindow() function to determine whether a particular application is running:

Q110117 How to Pause Program Execution During a RUN Command
In order to use the FindWindow() function, you need to know the complete text of the window title. In some cases, the complete text of the window title cannot be known. When a document is opened in Microsoft Word, for example, the title of the Microsoft Word window will contain the text "Microsoft Word - " followed by the name of the document that is being edited. Since it is not possible for a FoxPro application to know the full text of the window title in cases like this, the FindWindow() function cannot be used to determine whether the application is running.

To work around this situation, this article provides a code sample that uses the Windows API GetWindowText() function to produce a list of all visible windows currently running in Microsoft Windows, with the exception of Microsoft FoxPro.

The IsWindEx() function can be used in two ways. This function can be used to determine whether there is a visible window that contains the specified string of text. This function can also be used to produce a list of all visible windows currently in existence.

To determine whether there is a visible window that contains a specified string of text, call the function with the text that you are interested in checking. For example, to determine whether there are any windows that contain the text "Microsoft Word", call the function as follows:

   ? IsWindEx("Microsoft Word") 
To produce a list of all visible windows currently in existence, call the function with a null value, as follows:


Code Sample


     IsWindEx = .F.

     SET LIBRARY TO foxtools.fll

     * Register the Windows API functions that will be called

     mGetWinTxt = RegFn("GetWindowText", "I@CI", "I")
     mGetWindow = RegFn("GetWindow", "II", "I")
     mIsWinVis =  RegFn("IsWindowVisible", "I", "I")

     * Get the HWND (handle) to the main FoxPro window

     foxhwnd = MAINHWND()

     * Produce a list of all windows

        hwndNext = CallFn(mGetWindow,foxhwnd,0)

     DO WHILE hwndNext <> 0

          IF (hwndnext <> foxhwnd) .AND. ;
               CallFn(mGetWindow,hwndnext,4) = 0 .AND. ;
               CallFn(mIsWinVis,hwndnext) <> 0

               Stuffer = SPACE(64)
               x = CallFn(mGetWinTxt,hwndnext,@Stuffer,64)

               * If a window name was specified, check to
               * see if this is the specified window. If a
               * window name was not specified, display the
               * name of the window.

               IF LEN(TRIM(WindowName)) = 0

                    ? Stuffer


                    IF WindowName $ Stuffer

                         IsWindEx = .T.




         hwndNext = CallFn(mGetWindow,hwndnext,2)



     IF LEN(TRIM(WindowName)) = 0

          IsWindEx = .T.


For more information about the functions called in this code sample, please refer to the documentation for the Windows 3.1 Software Development Kit or the Microsoft Developer's Network (MSDN) Development Library CD-ROM.

For more information about the algorithm used in this article, please refer to the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q80124 Retrieving the Names of Simultaneous Tasks Under Windows


MSDN Development Library CD Microsoft Windows 3.1 SDK documentation Microsoft Visual C/C++ documentation Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q80124

Additional query words: VFoxWin FoxWin 2.50 2.50a 2.50b task open task list task manager emulate taskmanager

Keywords : kbcode kbVFp300 kbVFp600 FxprgFoxtools
Version : 2.5x 2.60 2.60a 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 3, 1999
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