How to Display Any Column of an Array in a List or Popup

ID: Q121723

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.5x, 2.6x
  • Microsoft FoxPro for MS-DOS, versions 2.0, 2.5x, 2.6x
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, versions 2.5x, 2.6
  • Microsoft FoxPro for UNIX, version 2.6


By default, a list or popup shows the information from the first column of a multiple-column array. The methods below describe how to display information from any of the columns.


Visual FoxPro

  1. Create a form with a ListBox in it.

  2. Add the following code to the Init event of the ListBox:
          PUBLIC ARRAY test(1,2)
          * Define the two column array
          SELECT cust_id, company FROM customer INTO ARRAY test
          THIS.RowSource='test' && Ties the ListBox to the array
          THIS.RowSourceType=5 && Tells the ListBox what type of data its using
          THIS.ColumnCount=2   && In order to get other columns to show, you
                               &&  must have a column count greater than 1
          THIS.ColumnWidths= '0,' +STR(THIS.Width) && Setting the ColumnWidth
                             && property to 0, <some value> is the key to
                             && displaying the second column. 

FoxPro 2.x

NOTE: This example assumes that the CUSTOMER.DBF table has been installed in FoxPro's TUTORIAL subdirectory.

To display any column of an array in a list or popup, use the Screen Builder to perform the following:

  1. In the Setup Code snippet of a test screen, type the following:
         SET DEFAULT to <FoxPro_directory>\tutorial
         SELECT company, city, state FROM customer INTO ARRAY a3colmns 

  2. Create a list or popup object. For a list, select the From Array radio button. For a popup, select the Array Popup radio option button.

  3. Type A3COLMNS in the Array Popup text box.

  4. In the Variable text box, type "M.COL" (without the quotation marks).

  5. Choose 1st Element.

  6. Verify that the Expression radio button is selected. Then type the number 1, 2, or 3 in the text editing region. The number you type designates which of the three array columns will be displayed.

  7. Generate and run the screen.

NOTE: The first column of the array contains COMPANY field data, the second contains CITY field data, and the third contains STATE field data from the CUSTOMER.DBF table.

Additional query words: FoxUnix FoxMac FoxDos FoxWin VFoxWin 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.50c 2.60a different other many specific only multicolumn multi-column multi-dimension multiple-dimension dimension genscrn.prg power tool

Keywords : kbcode FxtoolFormdes
Version : 2.5x 2.6x 3.00 | 2.00 2.5x 2.6x
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 25, 1999
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