PRB: SYS(2004) From .EXE Returns .ESL DirectoryID: Q125044 2.5x 2.6x 3.00 WINDOWS kbtool kbprg kbprg The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen run from an executable file (.EXE) outside of the FoxPro development environment, the SYS(2004) command returns the directory containing the FOXW<nnnn>.ESL file if the .ESL file is not located in the same directory as the .EXE.
STATUSThis behavior is by design.
MORE INFORMATIONWhen an .EXE created with the FoxPro for Windows Distribution Kit is run, it must access the .ESL support library. Since the .ESL file is rather large, it can be helpful to use a single common .ESL for several .EXE files. It is permissible to place the .ESL in a directory other than the directory which contains the .EXE as long as the .ESL file is in the MS-DOS path. However, after following this approach the SYS(2004) command will return the .ESL directory instead of the directory containing the .EXE.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior1. Create a new project. 2. Add a one-line program to the project that contains the command:
3. Build an .EXE from the project.
4. Move the .ESL file to a directory in the MS-DOS path (such as C:\DOS) 5. Quit FoxPro and run the .EXE.
Note that the WAIT WINDOW SYS(2004) returns the directory location of the .ESL file rather than the directory containing the .EXE file. Note: The SYS(2004) command returns the FoxPro directory if run from an .EXE within the development environment. For more information about this topic under Visual FoxPro, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Additional reference words: VFoxWin 3.00 FoxWin 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 2.60a
KBCategory: kbtool kbprg kbprg
KBSubcategory: FxtoolDk
Last Reviewed: May 1, 1996 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |