FREE TABLE Command Removes Table from Corrupted Database

ID: Q129400

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0


The FREE TABLE command removes a table from a database. The purpose of this command is to provide a programmatic way to remove a table from a corrupted database.

You should normally use REMOVE TABLE to remove a table from a database that is not corrupted.


If FREE TABLE is used to remove a table from a database that is not corrupted, the Table Designer window still displays the table. However, the table is no longer really part of the database, and issuing the VALIDATE DATABASE command causes the following error message to be displayed:

Validate Database database name
Rebuilding Structural Index.....Index Rebuilt
Object #N(Table 'table name'): table is not in database
Also, attempting to browse or modify the table causes the error message to be displayed:
Table <table name> is not marked as belonging to <database name> database.
Would you like to create the back link to mark it?
Answering Yes to this question recreates the back link of the table to the database and issuing the VALIDATE DATABASE command returns the message "Database container is valid". The table is now part of the database again.

Example Usage of the FREE TABLE Command

CAUTION: Performing this example will corrupt the TESTDATA.DBC database in the SAMPLE subdirectory.

  1. First corrupt a database by running the following:
          SET DEFAULT TO c:\vfp\samples\data
          USE testdata.dbc
          GO TOP
          DELETE            && Delete one record of the .DBC.
          USE               && Now TESTDATA cannot be opened as a database 

  2. Run the following program which has an on error routine to trap for a damaged database. If this program is run without the error routine, the message "Testdata.DBC is not a database" will be returned.
          SET PROCEDURE TO freetabl      && FREETABL is the name of the program
          ON ERROR DO errhand WITH ERROR()
          * The next line should cause an error because the first record
          * was deleted from TESTDATA.DBC
          OPEN DATA testdata
          USE customer
          USE products IN 0
          USE orders IN 0
          USE orditems IN 0
          USE employee IN 0
          ON ERROR  && restore system error handler
          PROCEDURE errhand
            PARAMETER merror
            WAIT WINDOW STR(merror)
            IF merror=1552
              FREE TABLE customer      && Allows the tables to be opened
              FREE TABLE orders        && by freeing them from the corrupted
              FREE TABLE products      && DATABASE
              FREE TABLE orditems
              FREE TABLE employee

Additional query words: VFoxWin errmsg

Keywords : kbcode kberrmsg FxprgTable
Version : 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 24, 1999
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