Using Low-Level I/O to Remove Leading CR/LF Created by LIST

ID: Q129401

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 5.0, 6.0
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, version 2.6a


The LIST TO FILE <filename> command places a CR/LF at the beginning of the file <filename>. If the file created is used as input to another program, it may be necessary to programmatically remove these two leading bytes. One way of doing this is through the use of low-level file I/O functions.


The following code is an example of how to use low-level file functions to alter a text file that begins with a carriage return/line feed pair.

   * open the tutorial database 'CUSTOMER'
   USE customer 

   * create the text file
   LIST TO FILE output.txt FOR state="FL" 

   * Now the text file has a leading CR/LF at the beginning.
   * To get rid of this, do the following:
   handle=FOPEN("output.txt",12)      &amp;&amp; low level open, read/write
   IF handle &gt; 0                      &amp;&amp; do you have a good open? 
* When opened, file pointer points at beginning of file. * To get size of file, seek end of file, return the number of bytes * the pointer was moved SIZE=FSEEK(handle,0,2) FOR LOOP=2 TO SIZE =FSEEK(handle,LOOP,0) && go to data byte to be copied the_char = FREAD(handle,1) =FSEEK(handle,LOOP-2,0) && where to write the data =FWRITE(handle,the_char,1) && write the character ENDFOR * Now that the data in the file has been migrated two * bytes down to cover up the CR/LF at the beginning * of the file, readjust the size of the file to * truncate the two garbage bytes at the end of the file =FCHSIZE(handle,SIZE-2) =FCLOSE(handle) && done


Additional query words: VFoxWin FoxWin hard return cr / lf input output

Keywords : kbcode FxprgGeneral
Version : WINDOWS:2.6a,3.0,5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 29, 1999
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