Duplicating READ NOLOCK Functionality in Visual FoxProID: Q130237 3.00 WINDOWS kbprg The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYREAD NOLOCK is no longer required in Visual FoxPro version 3.0. In version 2.x of FoxPro, all records involved in a read were automatically locked when the record pointer was moved. This caused contention problems in a multiuser situation. The most common symptom of contention problems was the failure of a second user to be able to load a screen without getting a "Record in use by another" error. To avoid problems, many developers chose to use READ NOLOCK to prevent FoxPro from locking records automatically.
The FoxPro Version 2.x SolutionREAD NOLOCK actually performed two separate functions:
The Visual FoxPro SolutionBoth functions can be duplicated through different commands in Visual FoxPro. To prevent locking a record until edits begin, use buffering. If you want to lock a record as soon as the edit starts, use pessimistic-row or pessimistic-table buffering. If you want to lock a record only when a write is attempted, use optimistic-row or optimistic-table buffering. You no longer need to place this code in a command button on the form. Buffering is usually enabled through the form's BUFFERMODE property, or through a CURSORSETPROP("Buffering") command executed in the form's INIT method. Buffering will not enable and disable fields in the same manner as a READ NOLOCK command. The SETALL method can be used, however, to set the ENABLED property to .T. or .F. as desired for all controls on a form. The following command disables every control on a form named frmTEST:
This code would typically be placed in the click event of a command button
to disable all fields when the record pointer was moved. The command button
would be disabled, along with all fields in the form.
Points to ConsiderThe examples in this article duplicate the functionality of one version 2.x command (READ NOLOCK) with new version 3.0 commands. You can still use the READ NOLOCK command in version 3.0; however, by continuing to use the version 2.x READ commands, you are limiting the functionality of your application. The READ NOLOCK command automatically disables every screen control tied directly to a field in your .DBF, whether it was a GET field, a list box, check box, or other control. Controls tied to a memory variable are not disabled. However, the SETALL() method in Visual FoxPro disables all controls on the form, including command buttons, whether they are tied to a field in your table or not. By using this approach, you need to enable each command button you want to have active. The opposite approach is to use the optional third parameter on the SETALL method to disable only controls of a certain type, such as text boxes, or to disable individual controls through the control's ENABLED property. You must prevent Visual FoxPro from locking the record automatically by using optimistic buffering in conjunction with disabling fields. Before deciding which technique to use, determine the desired end result. If you want to duplicate a version 2.x user interface using Visual FoxPro 3.0, use optimistic buffering and enable and disable controls as required. If you want to avoid the locking problems inherent in version 2.x, and it is acceptable to have all fields enabled as the user enters the form, use optimistic buffering alone.
REFERENCESFor more information on buffering, please see the Visual FoxPro "Developer's Guide." For more information on the SETALL method, please see the information in the Visual FoxPro Help file or in the Visual FoxPro "Language Reference." Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin KBCategory: kbprg KBSubcategory: FxprgMultiuser
Last Reviewed: May 1, 1996 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |