How to Set Up and Use Oracle7 Data Sources with ODBC
ID: Q130247
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This article discusses how to use Oracle7 data sources with ODBC.
Information is this article is available in DRVORA7.HLP in the
DISTRIB.SRC\SYSTEM\SYSTEM16 directory under the Visual FoxPro directory,
Professional version.
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Oracle RDBMS is a multiuser relational database management system (DBMS)
that runs on a variety of workstation and minicomputer operating systems.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to access data in Oracle RDBMS. IBM
PCs and compatibles running Microsoft Windows communicate with Oracle7
database servers across a network such as Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell
NetWare, Banyan VINES, DECnet, or any TCP/IP network.
The Oracle7 driver enables applications to access data in an Oracle7
database through the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface. It
communicates with the network through SQL*Net.
Application/Driver Architecture
- Application
- ODBC Driver Manager (ODBC.DLL)
- Oracle7 Driver (SQORA7.DLL)
- SQL*Net Driver
- Network Software (Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell NetWare, etc.
- SQL*Net Listener
- Oracle7 RDBMS
Driver Conformance Levels
The Oracle7 driver has the following conformance levels:
- API Conformance Level: Level 1
- SQL Conformance Level: Minimum
NOTE: The Oracle7 driver also supports some of the functions in the level 2
API conformance level and almost all of the grammar in the core and
extended SQL conformance levels.
To determine the minimum conformance levels (if any), you must use drivers
with your application, see your application's documentation.
Hardware and Software Requirements
What You Must Have to Be Able to Access Oracle7 Data
- The Oracle7 driver.
- An Oracle7 RDBMS database.
- A network connecting the computers on which these reside and a SQL*Net
connection across that network.
Hardware Requirements for the Oracle7 Driver
The Oracle7 driver requires the following hardware:
- An Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) computer, such as the IBM PC/AT
or compatible.
- A Micro Channel Architecture (MCA) computer, such as an IBM PS/2 or
- An Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) computer with an
80286, 80386, or 80486 microprocessor.
- At least two megabytes of random-access memory (RAM) - four megabytes
- A hard disk drive and approximately 350 kilobytes of hard disk space for
the Oracle7 driver.
Software Requirements for the Oracle7 Driver
- MS-DOS version 3.3 or later.
- Microsoft Windows version 3.0a or later.
- ODBC Driver Manager version 1.0 (ODBC.DLL).
- Oracle7 Call Interface (OCI) dynamic-link library (ORA7WIN.DLL).
NOTE: The Oracle7 driver requires ORA7WIN.DLL, regardless of whether a
later version of OCI has been installed. ORA7WIN.DLL is shipped with
SQL*Net for Windows.
Oracle7 RDBMS
To access data in an Oracle7 database with the Oracle7 driver, you must
have Oracle RDBMS version 7 or later. For information about the hardware
and software required by Oracle7 RDBMS, see the Oracle documentation.
Network Software
A network is required to connect the platforms on which Oracle7 RDBMS and
the Oracle7 driver reside. For information about the hardware and software
required by each network, see that network's documentation.
NOTE: If you are using Microsoft LAN Manager with the named pipes protocol,
it must be version 2.0 or later. If you are using Microsoft LAN Manager
with the TCP/IP protocol, it must be version 2.2 or later.
The Oracle7 driver and Oracle7 RDBMS use SQL*Net as a common network
interface. You should be able to use the Oracle7 driver on any SQL*Net
connection from a computer running Windows to an Oracle7 database server.
For complete information about SQL*Net, see the SQL*Net documentation.
NOTE: SQL*Net components are available only from Oracle Corporation.
How to Set Up the Oracle7 ODBC Driver
- If you have not already done so, install the ORACLE SQL*Net client
components on your computer. If you want to test your ORACLE
SQL*Net connection, set up your computer as an Oracle7 client
workstation, and run SQL*Plus or NetTest. For information on how to
do this, see the SQL*Net documentation.
- Add a data source for each copy of Oracle7 RDBMS in which you want
to access data.
How to Set Up a New Version of the Oracle7 Driver
- In the Main group in Program Manager, double-click the Control Panel
icon. In the Control Panel window, double-click the ODBC icon. The Data
Sources dialog box is displayed.
- In the Data Sources dialog box, choose the Drivers button. The Drivers
dialog box is displayed.
- In the Drivers dialog box, choose the Add button. The Add Driver dialog
box is displayed.
- In the text box, type the name of the drive and directory containing the
Oracle7 driver in the text box. Or choose the Browse button to select a
drive and directory name.
- In the Add Driver dialog box, choose the OK button. The Install Drivers
dialog box is displayed.
- In the Available ODBC Drivers list, select Oracle7.
- Choose the OK button. The Oracle7 driver is installed.
How to Delete the Oracle7 Driver
- In the Main group in the Program Manager window, double-click the
Control Panel icon. In the Control Panel window, double-click the ODBC
icon. The Data Sources dialog box is displayed.
- In the Data Sources dialog box, choose the Drivers button. The Drivers
dialog is displayed.
- In the Installed ODBC Drivers list, select Oracle7.
- Choose the Delete button. A message asks you to confirm that you want to
remove the driver and all of the data sources that use the driver.
- Choose the Yes button.
How to Add, Modify, and Delete Oracle7 Data Sources
Before you can access data with the Oracle7 driver, you must add a data
source for each of your copies of Oracle7 RDBMS. The Oracle7 driver uses
the information you enter when you add the data source to access the data.
You can change or delete a data source at any time.
How to Add an Oracle7 Data Source
- In the Main group in the Program Manager window, double-click the
Control Panel icon. In the Control Panel window, double-click the
ODBC icon.
- In the Data Sources dialog box, choose the Add button. The Add Data
Source dialog box is displayed.
- In the Installed ODBC Drivers list, select Oracle7 and choose the
OK button. The Oracle7 ODBC Driver dialog box is displayed.
- In the Oracle7 ODBC Driver dialog box, enter the Data Source Name and
the SQL*NET Connect String information, which should be made available
by the Network Administrator. The Description can be set to whatever you
want. For more information about these options, press the Help button in
the dialog box.
NOTE: To modify or delete the Oracle7 data source, highlight it in the Data
Sources dialog box, and then select the Setup or Delete options
respectively. For more information, select the Help option in the dialog
How to Connect to an Oracle7 Data Source
To connect to a data source, the Oracle7 ODBC Driver requires that an
ORACLE SQL*Net driver be installed on your computer and the corresponding
ORACLE SQL*Net listener be running on the Oracle7 database server. ORACLE
SQL*Net for Windows is a Dynamic Linked Library (DLL)-based application.
For more information about ORACLE SQL*Net, see the ORACLE SQL*Net
As part of the connection process, an application can prompt you for
information. If an application prompts you for information about an Oracle
data source, do the following:
- In the User Name box, type the name you use on Oracle7 RDBMS.
- In the Password box, type the password you use on Oracle7 RDBMS.
- Choose OK.
An application must connect to a data source to access data in it.
Different applications connect to data sources at different times. For
example, an application might connect to a data source only at your request
or it might connect automatically when it starts. For information about
when an application connects to a data source, see the documentation for
that application.
Troubleshooting "Message send failure"
The "Message send failure" error may occur when you're using Oracle7 with
Microsoft LAN Manager using TCP/IP protocol. On Microsoft LAN Manager using
the TCP/IP protocol, the number of bytes of data that can be sent to or
retrieved from Oracle7 RDBMS at one time is controlled by the MAXSENDSIZE
keyword in the [sockets] section of TCPUTILS.INI. If you receive a "Message
send failure" error, try increasing this value. This error is most likely
to occur when SQL_LONGVARCHAR or SQL_LONGVARBINARY data is being sent. For
more information, see the Oracle documentation.
More information on installing Oracle6 and Oracle7 is available in the
DRVORA7.HLP, DRVORACL.HLP, and ORACLE.TXT files, which are located in the
DISTRIB.SRC\SYSTEM\SYSTEM16 directory under the Professional Edition of the
Visual FoxPro directory.
Additional query words:
2.50 VFoxWin FoxWin Fax Issues
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbnetwork kbVFp300 kbVFp600 FxinteropOdbc
Version : 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 2.60a 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :