Installed Files for a Laptop Setup
ID: Q130332
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
Below is a list of the files installed for a Laptop Setup of Visual FoxPro.
If Win32s is not installed on a Windows for Workgroups system, Win32s will
also be installed. The laptop setup will install all of the files for
For a full description of files that are installed with Win32s from the
Visual FoxPro setup, please see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Critical System Files Installed With Visual FoxPro Setup
Directory of C:\VFP
Directory of C:\VFP
SETUP <DIR> 07-25-95 2:08p
README HLP 30,069 06-21-95 12:00a
README TXT 10,516 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXRSTRT EXE 22,528 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXFONT FON 15,872 06-21-95 12:00a
VFP EXE 4,440,267 06-21-95 12:00a
CONVERT APP 456,587 06-21-95 12:00a
FOX BMP 534 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXUSER DBF 6,622 06-21-95 12:00a
LABELS DBF 6,622 06-21-95 12:00a
FLL32_16 DLL 16,016 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXOLEUI DLL 159,232 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXUT16 DLL 7,136 06-21-95 12:00a
DDEREG EXE 21,184 06-21-95 12:00a
RESERVED FLL 9,728 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXUSER FPT 9,042 06-21-95 12:00a
LABELS FPT 11,520 06-21-95 12:00a
CONFIG FPW 33 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXPRO H 16,580 06-21-95 12:00a
FOX_KB HLP 28,973 06-21-95 12:00a
PSS HLP 37,535 06-21-95 12:00a
PSSQA HLP 16,422 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXPRO INT 47,759 06-21-95 12:00a
EUROPEAN MEM 577 06-21-95 12:00a
FOX MSK 166 06-21-95 12:00a
VFPSTART FXP 1,053 06-21-95 12:00a
FOXRUN PIF 707 06-21-95 12:00a
GENMENU PRG 64,588 06-21-95 12:00a
VFPSTART PRG 896 06-21-95 12:00a
VFPXTAB PRG 39,408 06-21-95 12:00a
LICENSE TXT 1,025 06-21-95 12:00a
Directory of C:\VFP\SETUP
NOTE: the file name here will depend on the Operating System.
FOXSET95 STF 45,185 07-25-95 2:09p
Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin Kbfest
KBCategory: kbref
KBSubcategory: FxsetupGeneral
Keywords : kbsetup FxsetupGeneral
Version : 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS