How to Change the Default Font of the Class Browser

ID: Q130500


The information in this article applies to:

  • Professional Edition of Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0


The Class Browser is a tool included with the Professional Edition of Visual FoxPro. It is a Visual FoxPro application (.APP file) that allows developers to browse visual class libraries. Because of the many options it provides, it is a helpful debugging tool.

You can customize the Class Browser by modifying the properties and methods it exposes. This article explains how to change the default font of the Class Browser by using the SetFont() and Addin() methods.


You can call the Class Browser interactively by choosing Class Browser from the Tools menu, or you can call it in a program by using this syntax:

   DO BROWSER [WITH <class Library (VCX)|<object reference> [,<classname>]]


   DO (_BROWSER)[WITH <class library (VCX)|<object ref.> [,<classname>}

The Class Browser uses the MS Sans Serif font by default. You can, however, modify this font by using the SetFont() method of the Class Browser.

Method One: Control the Font Interactively

Use the SetFont() method to modify the default font. Load the Class Browser and type the following from the Command window:

   _oBrowser.SetFont('Courier New')
   _oBrowser.SetFont('MS Sans Serif',8)

Method Two: Modify the Default Font in an Add-in Program

To have the Class Browser use another default font, use the Addin method, which calls an add-in when a specific event occurs. This example hooks the BRWFONT.PRG to the Init event:

   * Brwfont.prg


To install this add-in, execute the following code after the Class Browser is loaded:

   _oBrowser.AddIn('My Font','brwfont','Init')

The arguments used in this example specify the following:
  • 'MyFont' is the name of the add-in.
  • 'brwfont' is the program to execute. When this parameter is empty, the

        Add-in is uninstalled.
  • 'Init' is the method name that is used as an event hook for the add-in. Whenever the Class Browser Init() event is triggered, BRWFONT.PRG will be called.
  • The parameter oSource used in BRWFONT.PRG is a reference to the Class Browser. All Class Browser add-in programs receive one parameter, which references the Class Browser form object.

Once the add-in is created, it is stored in the BROWSER.DBF registration table. It will be called each time an instance of the Class Browser is created.


For more information about customizing the Class Browser, search for "Class Browser" or "Browsing Classes" and then "Customizing the Class Browser" in the Visual FoxPro Help menu.

Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin KBCategory: KBSubcategory: FxotherSample

Keywords          : kbcode FxotherSample 
Version           : 3.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998
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