Properties and Methods Used by Converted FormsID: Q130832 3.00 WINDOWS kbtool The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYCONVERT.APP is a Visual FoxPro application that performs a functional conversion of FoxPro version 2.x screens, reports, and projects to Visual FoxPro forms, reports, and projects. This article focuses on the functional screen conversion process and explores some of the properties exposed in a converted form. The following descriptions of Visual and Functional conversions are also located in the online Help associated with the Conversion Options dialog box:
Functional ConversionCreates form and control images and copies code to locations in object properties, events, and methods. Functional conversion provides immediate FoxPro 2.6 READ compatibility so you can use forms in Visual FoxPro without making extensive manual changes. To gain complete event model functionality, you must eliminate pages and page frames, change the form set WindowType property, and manually relocate code in methods and events. For details, see Checking Converted FoxPro 2.6 Screens.
Visual ConversionCreates images of forms and all controls, but copies all the code from the original FoxPro 2.6 project or screens to a non-compilable .PRG file. Choose Visual Conversion if you want to move to full Visual FoxPro functionality without having to eliminate pages and page frames, change the form set WindowType property, and manually relocate code from object to object. For details, see Checking Converted FoxPro 2.6 Screens.
MORE INFORMATIONA functional conversion provides immediate FoxPro version 2.x READ compatibility in Visual FoxPro. Because the event model of Visual FoxPro is different from the model used by FoxPro versions 2.x, a special case has been implemented with Visual FoxPro forms to emulate READ behavior of the older FoxPro versions. This includes the use of form sets, forms, page frames, and pages. With every functional conversion, a form set is created. Each form set contains a form per screen, which in turn contains a page frame. All of the 2.x objects are placed as controls on a page in a page frame, and multiple READs are represented by multiple pages. After you execute a functional conversion of your FoxPro versions 2.x screen, you can edit the newly created Visual FoxPro form. Notice that some properties and methods are unique to converted forms.
WindowType PropertyThe WindowType property of the form set has a value of 2-Read or 3-Read Modal. These values make the form set behave as if it were activated by a READ. A Page Frame is required to set the WindowType property to 2 or 3.
READ Properties and MethodsYou can use the following properties and methods in a form set if the WindowType property is 2-Read or 3-Read Modal:
They all relate to READ clauses. For more information, search for the
specific property or method in the Visual FoxPro Help file.
Hidden Properties The following properties are used by converted READ-mode forms. They do not appear in the property sheet. However, the error "Property Name Already In Use" is displayed if you attempt to add a new property with the following names.
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