How to Display Grid-Based Logical Fields as Other than T or F

ID: Q133738

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0


This article gives you two methods you can use in Visual FoxPro to display logical fields with values other than true (T) or false (F) in a grid. For example, you might want to display values such as yes (Y) or no (N).

NOTE: In FoxPro version 2.x, this display was created using a BROWSE picture clause. For more information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q99908
   TITLE     : Making Logicals Show "Y" or "N" in a Browse or Screen


Preparations for Both Methods

Use the following steps to set up Column1 of the grid to display the existing logical field for reference.

1. Create a form, and use the VFP\Samples\Data\Products table as the

   data environment.

2. Drag the table onto the form to create a grid.

3. Set the grid layout ColumnCount property to 2.

4. Set the Column1 ControlSource property to products.discontinu.

Use one of the following two methods to display the logical field with a different value.

Method One

1. Set the Column2 ColumnSparse property to false (.F.).

2. Set the Column2 ControlSource property to products.discontinu.

3. Set the Column2 Text1 InputMask property to Y.

4. Run the Form. Column1 shows the actual table values, and Column2 shows

   the equivalent Y or N.

  • The InputMask setting of Y is not documented in the Help menu or the Language Reference.
  • Without the ColumnSparse property set to false, the Y or N is visible only if the pointer is in that particular field.
  • If the Column2 Read-only property is false, it may be edited, and Y or N can be used instead of T or F.

Method Two

1. Set the Column2 ControlSource property to:

   IIF(products.discontinu, "Yes", "No ")  && The space after No is an
                                           && attempt to give the
                                           && strings the same length.

2. Run the Form. Column1 shows the actual table values, and Column2 shows
   the equivalent Yes or No value.

  • Other values may be substituted for the Yes or No.
  • This field, whether marked for Read-only or not, is a calculated field, so it cannot be edited directly. However, a method in the Text1 field can be created in order to toggle the field value. To do this, place the following line of code in the DblClick method of Text1:

    REPLACE products.discontinu WITH !products.discontinu This.Refresh

Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin KBCategory: kbprg kbcode KBSubcategory: FxprgGeneral

Last Reviewed: August 2, 1995
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