PRB: Unable to Edit Blank Text Boxes in a Grid

ID: Q134855

3.00 WINDOWS kbtool kbprb

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0


In a grid, when you try to edit a column that doesn't have a control source, the computer beeps and the text is not entered. You might expect that the grid would accept data.


This is the correct behavior for columns that don't have a ControlSource set. If you set the ControlSource, the column is editable. As the code below demonstrates, a table defined with only two fields as a control source for the grid disallows the additional column a place to store the new information being entered when the button's click procedure is run.


Create a custom grid class with an Init procedure to alter the table or ControlSource to allow the user to create and store new data by passing the optional "init1,init2" parameter used with the addobject() function.


This behavior is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

Run the following code:


     (col1 C(15), col2 c(15))
append blank replace col1 with 'Row(1) Col(1)' replace col2 with 'Row(1) Col(2)' append blank replace col1 with 'Row(2) Col(1)' replace col2 with 'Row(2) Col(2)' append blank replace col1 with 'Row(3) Col(1)' replace col2 with 'Row(3) Col(2)' append blank replace col1 with 'Row(4) Col(1)' replace col2 with 'Row(4) Col(2)' append blank replace col1 with 'Row(5) Col(1)' replace col2 with 'Row(5) Col(2)' skip - 5

use table1

public x x = create("f1")

define class f1 as form add object grid1 as grid with ; forecolor = rgb(255,0,0);

add object b1 as commandbutton with ; fontsize = 8, ; caption = 'AddColumn', ; top = 200

add object l1 as label with ; caption = 'Clicking this button should add a Column.', ; fontsize = 8, ; autosize = .T., ; top = 220 proc

     x.grid1.column3.currentcontrol = 'text1'
     x.grid1.column3.text1.visible = .t.
endproc enddefine

* Click the AddColumn button. * Click in one of the blank cells and begin typing.

Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin KBCategory: kbtool kbprb KBSubcategory: FxtoolFormdes

Keywords          : FxtoolFormdes 
Version           : 3.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: November 18, 1995
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