How to Determine the Database to Which a Table Belongs

ID: Q134880

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0


There are cases where a developer needs to be able to determine programmatically which database contains the table that is open. The CURSORGETPROP() function, with 'DATABASE' (including the quotation marks) as the first parameter, returns this information.


The CURSORGETPROP() function returns the settings of various properties of a Visual FoxPro table or cursor. For example, to determine the database to which a table belongs, you can use this code:

   USE customer
   WAIT WINDOW "The table in the current workarea is contained by " + ;
      CURSORGETPROP('DATABASE') + ' database'

Following is a list of all the properties for which CURSORGETPROP() returns settings:

BatchUpdateCount Buffering ConnectHandle ConnectName Database FetchMemo FetchSize KeyFieldList MaxRecords SendUpdates SourceName SourceType SQL Tables UpdatableFieldList UpdateNameList UpdateType UseMemoSize WhereType

For more information on using CURSORGETPROP(), please see the Visual FoxPro Help file.

Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin KBCategory: kbprg kbcode KBSubcategory: FxprgTable

Last Reviewed: August 15, 1995
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