HOWTO: Replacing the Visual FoxPro Desktop with an App's Form
ID: Q136755
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 5.0, 6.0
A Visual FoxPro application design may require that the Visual FoxPro
desktop be hidden and the application's own forms occupy the entire
Windows desktop area. This article explains how to do that.
This article adds the steps necessary to make the application's form the
desktop. It concludes with the steps necessary to terminate the application
and restore the Visual FoxPro desktop.
MORE INFORMATIONStep-by-Step Procedure
- Start the application's form and establish the Visual FoxPro event
handler with the READ EVENTS command. The code in the .prg file
continues with the procedure needed to terminate the application's form,
stop the Visual FoxPro event handler, and return to the Visual FoxPro
desktop. After that code there is the function to hide the main Visual
FoxPro window.
** Starter.prg Extreme minimum sample Code to start the application
DO FORM appform.scx
PROCEDURE back2vfp
** The application's form was activated from the desktop level as a
** desktop level form. The event handler is at the desktop level, and
** is equivalent to a property of the _SCREEN object, so it must be
** terminated by a method of the _SCREEN object. As no _SCREEN
** object members are visible (no command buttons, text boxes, etc.),
** a Timer event is used to clear events. The timer object is not
** visible, and doesn't need to be in order to be activated.
** To activate the Timer: Add it to the _SCREEN
_SCREEN.AddObject('oTime','MyTimer') && MyTimer is the
** current instance
** End of procedure Back2vfp
** Class definition. The TIMER event is triggered after two seconds
Interval= 2000
** End of extreme minimum sample Starter.prg*******************
- In the application's form, declare three properties of the form to serve
as global references in the following function. Also place a command
button or other object on the form, this object provides an event that
can terminate the application. For this example, name the three
properties FoxHWND, FoxGone, and ShowState. Name the command button
Quit. Its Click event will contain code to terminate the form.
CAUTION: If a template class is used to create a form, and its DeskTop
property is set to .F., then setting the DeskTop property of the created
form to .T. will have no effect. In that case, running the form will
cause the main Visual FoxPro Window and the form within it to not be
visible, which will require a rebooting in Windows 3.x, and potentially
damaging files associated with the application.
For more information about the behavior of the Desktop property, please
see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q141315 Changing Subclassed Form's Desktop Property Has No Effect
** The following is the code to hide the Visual FoxPro desktop.
* This function may be called in the Load Event of the
* application's form that has these properties:
* WindowType = Modal,
* AlwaysOnTop = True, and
* DeskTop = True
IF "3.5" $ OS(1) OR "Windows 4" $ OS(1) OR "NT" $ OS(1) &&
cDLL = W32sDLL
DECLARE integer FindWindow IN &cDLL integer, string
DECLARE Integer ShowWindow IN &cDLL Integer, Integer
ThisForm.showstate = SW_SHOWNORMAL
NullPointer = 0
ThisForm.FoxHWND = FindWindow(NullPointer, _SCREEN.Caption)
* Hide the Main Visual FoxPro Window
ThisForm.FoxGone = ShowWindow(ThisForm.FoxHWND, SW_SHOWGONE)
** The next command is optional - it shows the successful
** execution of this function's code.
** =MessageBox("Visual FoxPro Desktop is hidden...")
** End of function.
- Place the following code in the Click event of the Quit command button.
* Clear the form
* Restore the Visual FoxPro desktop
ThisForm.FoxGone = ShowWindow(ThisForm.FoxHWND, ThisForm.showstate)
* Terminate the READ EVENTS with a CLEAR EVENTS two seconds after
* restoring the Visual FoxPro desktop
DO Back2vfp && Procedure found in the calling program Starter.prg
If this code is placed in a project and built into an application, the user
will receive the following error messages in a Locate File dialog box:
Unable to find Unknown FINDWINDOW
Locate, Ignore, Ignore All, Cancel
Once the user chooses Ignore, the following error messages appear:
Unable to find Unknown SHOWWINDOW.
Locate, Ignore, Ignore All, Cancel
This is because Visual FoxPro is trying to resolve the external references
in the DECLARE statements associated in the Load event's code. The user
- Ignore the errors, and the project will build without a problem.
- Add a program to the project that references the FINDWINDOW and
SHOWWINDOW as a procedure or a function.
Additional query words:
SDI Command window timer _SCREEN
Keywords : kbcode kbVFp300 kbVFp500 kbVFp600 FxprgUdwindow
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbhowto