How to Append Records to a Grid

ID: Q138559

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b


There are times when a user may want to append a record when they get to the last record in a grid. This can be accomplished programmatically by using the BeforeRowColChange and the AfterRowColChange events as shown by example in this article.


One important piece of the example is setting the buffer mode of the form to either optimistic or pessimistic. This allows the GETFLDSTATE() function to perform correctly. In addition, this sample code uses no index order on the data.

Step-by-Step Example

  1. Open the Forms Designer, and drop a grid on it.

  2. Create a new property of the form called nLastRec.

  3. In the Init event of the grid, place this code:
       GO BOTTOM
       ThisForm.nLastRec = RECNO()
       GO TOP 

  4. Place the following code in the BeforeRowColChange event.
       LPARAMETERS nColIndex   && This line is added automatically by FoxPro
                               && nColIndex is current column the cursor is in
       IF nColIndex = This.ColumnCount AND RECNO() = ThisForm.nLastRec ;
         AND LASTKEY() = 9
          APPEND BLANK
          ThisForm.nLastRec = RECNO()
    This code appends a record only if you press the TAB key to move through the fields. Code would have to be added for conditionally appending records based on different navigation through the fields.

  5. Place the following code in the AfterRowColChange event:
       IF "3"$GETFLDSTATE(-1)
          This.ActivateCell(This.ActiveRow, nColIndex)

  6. Add code similar to the following to commit the changes to the table. This code can go into the Click event of a command button or in the Destroy event of the form.
       IF <condition to save>

Additional query words: VFoxMac VFoxWin

Keywords : kbcode kbVFp300 kbVFp600 FxprgGrid
Version : 3.00 | 3.00b
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 10, 1999
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