PRB: Connectivity Error: Illegal reference in query

ID: Q142168

3.00 3.00b WINDOWS kbinterop kbprb

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0 and 3.0b


When you update data in a remote view, the following error may occur:

   Connectivity Error [<<driver specific information>>] Illegal reference
   in query


In the Update Criteria tab of the view designer, the "SQL WHERE clause includes" option is set to "Key and Modified Fields," and one of the modified fields is a memo field. A memo field cannot be used in a SQL WHERE clause.


Change the "SQL WHERE clause includes" option in the Update Criteria tab of the view designer to "Key Fields Only" or "Key and Timestamp."


This behavior is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Create a remote view based on a table that contains a memo field.

2. In the Fields tab, click the Add All button.

3. In the Update Criteria tab, specify a key field, click the Update All

   button, select the Send SQL Updates check box, and set the SQL WHERE
   clause includes option to "Key and Modified Fields."

4. Save the view as View_Test.

5. Type the following commands in the Command window:

   USE View_Test

6. Make some changes to the memo field data.

7. Type the following command in the Command window:


The Illegal reference in query error occurs at this point.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.00b VFoxWin KBCategory: kbinterop kbprb KBSubcategory: FxinteropOdbc

Keywords          : FxinteropOdbc 
Version           : 3.00 3.00b
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: January 9, 1996
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