FIX: Running a Query from View Designer Causes Error Message

ID: Q142201

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0


Using the Run Query option from the View Designer when modifying a previously created view results in a dialog box reporting "CTOD is not a recognized built in function name" for Remote Views and "Function argument value, type, or count is invalid" for Local Views.

This only occurs for views using parameter values where one of the parameter values is compared to a date field and is followed by another selection criteria.


The View Designer wraps the CTOD() function around the parameter value used against the date field, when the view definition is read in.


Rearrange the selection criteria so that the date field comparison is the last line.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in version 3.0b.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

Remote View Example

1. Use the ODBC Administrator to Create a Data Source to the SQL Server

   Pubs database.

2. Create a test database, and then create a connection to the SQL Data
   Source created in step 1.

3. Create a new remote view, choose the newly created connection, and then
   select the Sales table. Select all the fields for output.

4. Create a new parameter (param1) with the datetime data type.

5. For the selection criteria use the following:

   sales.ord_date   more than   ?param1
   sales.stor_id    equal       6380

6. Run the query and type 01/01/94 for the parameter. Two records should be

7. Save the query, modify it again, and then run it again. The following
   connectivity error is generated:

   CTOD is not a recognized built in function name"

   View SQL shows that ?param1 has been enclosed within a CTOD() function
   call. Removing the selection criteria and adding them again in the
   reverse order prevents the error from occurring.

Local View Example

1. Open the Vfp\Samples\Data\Testdata.dbc database.

2. Create a new local view based on the Employee table.

3. Select all the fields for output.

4. Create a new parameter (param1) and give it a date data type.

5. For the selection criteria use the following:

   employee.birth_date   more than  ?param1
   employee.last_name    like       P%

6. Run the query and type 01/01/60 for the parameter. Two records should
   be returned.

7. Save the query, modify it, and then run it again. The following error is

   Function argument value, type, or count is invalid

   View SQL shows that ?param1 has been enclosed within a CTOD() function
   call. Removing the selection criteria and adding them again in the
   reverse order prevents the error from occurring.

Keywords          : kbVFp kbVFp300bfix buglist3.00 FxtoolQueryvwdes 
Version           : 3.0
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1997
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