How to Use the Box Method to Create a Shadow EffectID: Q142554 3.00 3.00b WINDOWS
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SUMMARYThis article demonstrates how to use a form's Box method to create a shadow effect behind a form object.
MORE INFORMATIONIMPORTANT NOTE: This article can be successfully applied only to objects that are direct members of either a form or the main Visual FoxPro window (_screen). Objects that are contained within, for example, the page of a PageFrame cannot have the same visual affect applied by using this method. The purpose of the Box method is to draw a rectangle on a form or the main Visual FoxPro window (_Screen). For more information about Box method, search for "Box method" in the Visual FoxPro Help file.
Step-by-Step ExampleThis example creates a form that contains a command button. The Box method is used to create a shadow behind the command button. 1. Create a new form, and set its DrawWidth property to 5. Ensure that 2. On the Form menu, click New Property and create a new property called
3. On the Form menu, click New Method, and create a new method called
4. Place a command button on the form and size it to be as large as you
5. In the command button's Init event, add this code:
6. Save the form as linetest, and close the Form Designer. Use the DO FORM
Additional reference words: 3.00 3.00b VFoxWin
KBCategory: kbhowto
KBSubcategory: FxtoolFormdes
Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |