PRB: FoxPro DBF Opened/Saved by MacWord Alters File TypeID: Q142795 2.60a 3.00b MACINTOSH kbinterop kbprb The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSIf a Microsoft FoxPro table is opened and converted to a Microsoft Word 6.0 for Macintosh document and saved in Macintosh Word, it is no longer a FoxPro table. Further attempts to open the table in Microsoft FoxPro will result is the following error message:
CAUSEThe FoxPro-dBASE converter used in Microsoft Word for Macintosh can't save the file back to the original FoxPro format.
RESOLUTIONBecause the file is now a Word document with the same name the original FoxPro DBF file, it must be saved to a format FoxPro can read, such as a text file. The following methods show how to do it.
Method One: Append to FoxPro Table as a Text File1. In Microsoft Word for Macintosh, open the converted FoxPro table as a 2. Click somewhere in the table. From the Table menu, choose Select Table.
3. From the Table menu, choose Convert Table to Text. Then select Commas
4. From the File menu, choose Save As. In the Save File as Type box, choose
5. Create a table in Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh by choosing New from
6. Enter the appropriate field name, type, and width to correspond with
7. With this new table open, choose Append From...on the Database menu.
Method Two: Use Microsoft Excel 5.0 to Read or Convert to the Text File1. Complete steps 1-4 in method one. 2. Open Microsoft Excel 5.0 for the Macintosh. From the File menu, choose 3. From the File menu, choose Save As. In the Save File as Type box, choose
Method Three: Look for Backup .BAK of the Table in FoxPro1. Check the hard disk for the existence of the old table name with a .bak 2. This table structure can be used in place of step 6 in method one, or
STATUSThis behavior is by design.
MORE INFORMATIONThis problem is most likely to occur when a FoxPro table is used in a Microsoft Word for the Macintosh mail merge. After the mail merge has completed and the user begins to close the documents in the mail merge, the user will receive this warning message:
If you click Yes, the table is no longer a FoxPro table. It is saved as a
Word table in a Word document. Word changes the file type to WGBN for Word
from FoxPro's APPL, and it changes the creator type to MSWD for Word from
FoxPro's FOXX. This can be checked by opening the file in Apple's Resource
Editor, ResEdit. In addition, Word replaces the FoxPro file header with a
Word header, so you can't simply use ResEdit to change the creator and file
types. All attempts to open the file in FoxPro will result in the error
message given in the "Symptoms" section of thie article.
Additional reference words: VFoxMac 3.00b 2.60a FoxMac KBCategory: kbinterop kbprb KBSubcategory: FxinteropGeneral
Last Reviewed: June 2, 1996 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |