How to Access Report's Data Environment While the Report Runs
ID: Q145816
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b
This article explains how to access a report's data environment while the
report is running.
When you create a report, an associated data environment (DE) is created.
The data environment contains information about the tables, views and
relations associated with the report.
The data environment is an object, and it is a container for a cursor and a
relation object. You can gain access to the DE of a report while it is
running, so you can manipulate the its properties and methods.
To gain access to the data environment, you need to be able to reference it
as an object. Use the NAME clause on the REPORT FORM command to specify an
object's variable name for the data environment as in this example:
REPORT FORM Samples\Mainsamp\Reports\salessum NAME salessum PREVIEW ;
?salessum.Name && Returns DataEnvironment
?salessum.Cursor1.Alias && Returns sales_summary
For example, if you want to manually open the tables associated with a
report, you can call the OpenTables method of the data environment. The
following step-by-step procedure explains how.
Step-by-Step Procedure
- Create a new report.
- Add the Customer table, located in Samples\Data, to the data
environment, and drag it onto the Detail band of the report to create a
quick report.
- In the DE, set the AutoOpenTables property to false (.F.).
- Add a title to the report, and place a field in the Title band. In the
field expression, type OpenAll() to call a user-defined function.
- Create a program file. Adjust the following code to your needs, and
place it in the program file:
REPORT FORM <reportname> NAME TEST &&Names the data environment TEST
IF <condition>
TEST.OpenTables && Calls the OpenTables method of the DE
- Save the program, and run it.
Additional query words:
DE aselobj
Keywords : kbcode FxtoolReportdes
Version : 3.00 3.00b
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :