PRB: Header Files Ignored by Recompile All & Build Process

ID: Q147201

3.00 3.00b WINDOWS kbtool kbprb

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0 and 3.0b


Issuing a Recompile All from the Project Manager does not force a recompile of program (.prg) files if the program has not been altered. As a result, header (.h) files that are referenced in the program file are ignored by the Recompile All and Build processes. Therefore, if changes are made to a header file that is referenced in a program file, the new changes are not automatically redefined.

NOTE: This behavior applies only to header files that are referenced in unchanged program files. In other words, header files referenced in forms and classes are reprocessed by a Recompile All.


Each .prg file has an associated .fxp file after the first Build process. If the .fxp and .prg file datetime stamps are the same, then it is assumed that the .prg file hasn't changed, so it's left out of any subsequent recompile processes.


There are two ways to force a recompile of .prg files:

  • Delete all corresponding .fxp files before starting the build process from within the Project Manager.


  • Issue a COMPILE *.PRG command from the Command window.

It is the presence of the .fxp file that prevents the Project Manager from recompiling all files.


This behavior is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Create a simple project, and add a .prg file that contains a #INCLUDE

   statement that references a header (.h) file. Also include a WAIT WINDOW
   statement that will display the contents of a constant variable that is
   declared in the header file.

2. Add the header file to the Text File section of Project Manager.

3. In the header file, insert a #DEFINE command that places a value into

   the constant referenced by the WAIT WINDOW.

4. Build the project, and run it noting the value displayed from the
   constant. Then change the value for the constant in the header file.

5. Rebuild the project with the Recompile All Files check box selected.

6. Rerun the application, and note that the displayed value does not

   reflect the new value in the header file. The value is the same as the
   previously stored value.

7. Delete the .fxp file that corresponds to the .prg file.

8. Rebuild the project with the Recompile All Files check box selected.

9. Rerun the application, and note that the displayed value now reflects

   the value in the header file.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.00b VFoxWin re-compile KBCategory: kbtool kbprb KBSubcategory: FxtoolProjman
Keywords          : FxtoolProjman 
Version           : 3.00 3.00b
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 24, 1996
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