Drag and Drop in Visual FoxPro
ID: Q147688
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
There are various levels of Drag and Drop that an application can support.
FoxPro only supports its application drag and drop, not OLE drag and drop
(with the exception of using some OLE Controls).
When you drag Visual FoxPro objects around, only Visual FoxPro knows about
them. OLE is not being used as the mechanism to alert windows that they are
being dragged over. This means that you can't drop Visual FoxPro objects
outside of Visual FoxPro.
When you drag OLE objects around (any object from an application that
supports OLE Drag and Drop), Visual FoxPro does not know about them. This
means that you can't drag text from Word and drop it into a Visual FoxPro
edit box.
The only time OLE Drag and Drop will happen in a Visual FoxPro form is when
an OLE application is in control of the area you are dropping into. If you
have an OLE Control on a form, it handles all events for its window, so you
can OLE Drag and Drop into it. If you have an in-place active OLE
Insertable object in a form, it is handling events, so you can drag and
drop into it. In neither case, is a Visual FoxPro DragDrop event fired
because Visual FoxPro doesn't know that the drag is happening.
Steps to Demonstrate Behavior
- Start Visual FoxPro. Create a new form, and place an OLE Container
control on the form.
- Add a second OLE Container control to the form, and select Microsoft
Excel worksheet.
- Place a text box on the form.
- Add the following code to the DragDrop event of each control:
- Run the form.
- Start Word for Windows or WordPad. Type and select some text. Then drag
it to the Visual FoxPro form. Notice that you can't drop the Word object
onto the Visual FoxPro form.
- Activate the Microsoft Excel OLE Container object, and repeat step 6.
Notice that you can now drop into the in-place active Microsoft Excel
object. No Visual FoxPro event is fired.
Additional query words:
Keywords : FxinteropOle
Version : 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :