FIX: Setting the Value of a Text Box Adds New Record to Table

ID: Q148883

3.00 3.00b WINDOWS kbtool kbbuglist kbfixlist

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b


When you programmatically set the Value property of a text box that has its ControlSource property set to a field in a table, a new record will be added to the table if the record pointer is positioned at the end of file.


If the Value property of a text box is to be set programmatically, use the EOF() function to determine if the record pointer is positioned at the end of file before setting the Value property.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem has been fixed in Visual FoxPro 5.0 for Windows.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

1. Create a new form.

2. Add a table to the data environment of the form.

3. Drag a character field from the table in the data environment to the


4. Add a command button to the form.

5. Add the following code to the Click event of the command button:

   SKIP 1

6. Save and run the form.

After you click the command button, a new record is added to the table, and the field that was used to create the text box on the form has a value of test.

KBCategory: kbtool kbbuglist kbfixlist KBSubcategory: FxtoolFormdes VFoxWin buglist3.00 buglist3.00b fixlist5.00 Additional reference words: 3.00 3.00b

Keywords          : kbVFp kbVFp300bbug kbVFp500fix buglist3.00 FxtoolFormdes kbbuglist kbfixlist
Version           : 3.00 3.00b
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 23, 1997
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