How to Capitalize Some Characters in a Text Box Automatically

ID: Q148918

3.00 3.00b WINDOWS kbtool kbhowto

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b


When typing names into a text box, you can have the first letter of each word automatically capitalized. This can be done in the KeyPress event by checking each character that is typed and capitalizing it if it is the first character entered or if the character before it is blank. Names such as "Van Camp" would have the first letter of each part of the name automatically capitalized. However, names like "MacDonald" would still require that you manually capitalize the D key.


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following steps illustrate how to use the KeyPress event to check each character and enforce the rule that the first character of each word be capitalized.

1. Create a new form, and place a text box on it.

2. Create a new property for the form. On the Form menu, click New

   Property, and in the Name box, type Lastchar. Click OK, and return to
   the form.

3. In the When Event of the text box, place the following code:

      THISFORM.lastchar = 32

   This assigns the numeric value of a space (32) to the lastchar variable.

4. In the KeyPress event of the text box, place the following code:

   IF THISFORM.lastchar = 32   && Checks lastchar to see if it is
                               && equal the numeric value of a space.
       NODEFAULT               && Doesn't allow the character to be
                               && entered because it is lowercase.
       KEYBOARD UPPER(CHR(nKeyCode))  && Places the character into the
                                      && text box in uppercase.
   IF nKeyCode=127 AND LEN(ALLTRIM(this.value))=1  &&  Checks to see if
                                   && the user has backspaced over
                                   && the first letter in the text box.
       THISFORM.lastchar=32        && Assigns numeric value of a space
                                   && to lastchar.
       THISFORM.lastchar= nKeyCode && Assigns last keystroke to Lastchar

5. Run the form, and type the following into the text box:

      van camp

   Note that the V and C are automatically capitalized.

6. Backspace over the whole name, and start typing another name. Note that
   the first character is automatically capitalized as a new name is typed.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.00b VFoxWin KBCategory: kbtool kbhowto KBSubcategory: FxtoolFormdes
Keywords          : kbcode FxtoolFormdes 
Version           : 3.00 3.00b
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998
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