HOWTO: Modify a Shortcut Menu at Run Time

ID: Q155403

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0


The Visual FoxPro menu generator, Genmenu.prg, now contains a new generator directive to accommodate support for the new shortcut menus. The generator directive is called #PREPOP. Normally, GENMENU adds the contents of the Cleanup snippet at the end of the menu definition. With shortcut menus, the ACTIVATE POPUP command is inserted prior to the contents of the Cleanup snippet. Therefore, none of the Cleanup code executes until after the menu is deactivated. The #PREPOP generator directive places the Cleanup code (not including Procedures or functions) prior to the ACTIVATE POPUP command. This new functionality allows you to disable, enable, mark, or unmark menu items at run time.


This example demonstrates the use of the #PREPOP generator directive. In the example, a command button toggles the form's AlwaysOnTop property between true (.T.) and false (.F.). Based on the value of this property, a check mark appears next to a menu bar within the shortcut menu. The following steps create the example:

  1. Create a shortcut menu named NewShort.

  2. Use the layout below to add three menu prompts to the shortcut menu:
          Prompt            Result
          \&;Date           Command
          \&Test           Command
          \&AlwaysOnTop    Procedure 

  3. In the procedure of AlwaysOnTop prompt, type the following code:
          IF TYPE("oRef") = "O"

  4. Click the View menu and click General Option to access the Setup and CleanUp snippets. In the Setup snippet, type the following code:
          PARAMETER oRef
    Close the Setup snippet box.

  5. Open the CleanUp snippet and type the following code:
           SET MARK OF BAR 3 OF SHORTCUT TO oRef.AlwaysOnTop 
    Close the CleanUp snippet box.

  6. Generate the menu.

  7. Create a form named ShortCut.

  8. In the RightClick method of the form, add the following code:
          DO NewShort.mpr WITH THIS 

  9. Place a command button on the form and change the following properties:
          Caption = NotAlwaysOnTop
          Name = Command1 

  10. In the Click method of the command button, type the following code:
         IF THIS.Caption = "NotAlwaysOnTop"
            THISFORM.AlwaysOnTop = .T.
            THIS.Caption = "AlwaysOnTop"
            THIS.Caption = "NotAlwaysOnTop"
            THISFORM.AlwaysOnTop = .F.

Run the form and click the command button to set the AlwaysOnTop property to true. Then right-click the form to bring up the shortcut menu, NewShort. A check mark now appears next to the AlwaysOnTop menu bar. Press the command button again to set the form's AlwaysOnTop property to false. Right-click again to invoke the shortcut menu. The check mark disappears from the menu.

Additional query words: #preprop short cut clean up right click

Keywords : kbBuilder kbVFp500 kbVFp600
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: December 13, 1999
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