PRB: Closing Table Loses Changes with Table Buffering

ID: Q155936

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0


If you use a CLOSE or USE command to close an open table, and that table uses Table Buffering and contains uncommitted changes, Visual FoxPro closes the table and does not save the uncommitted changes. Additionally, no error dialog box appears when you close the table. This behavior is different from Visual FoxPro versions 3.0 and 3.0b, which displays an error dialog box if you attempt to close a table with uncommitted changes.


Use the TABLEUPDATE() function to force Visual FoxPro to save the changes before closing the table.


This behavior is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

The following example uses the Customer table in the Visual FoxPro Samples\Data\Testdata database:

  1. Run the following code from a program:
       *  Start of code example
       LOCAL nI
       FOR nI = 1 TO 5
          USE HOME() + 'samples\data\customer'
          REPLACE company WITH ALLTR(company) + ' ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nI))
          USE          && Closes table
          USE HOME() + 'samples\data\customer'
       REPLACE company WITH SUBSTR(company,1,ATC('1',company,1)-1)
       *  End 
    Notice the numeral appended after the company name in the first record, and then close the Browse window. Do this for each of the five times the Browse window appears. The numbers 1 through 3 appear, but 4 and 5 do not. Number 1 is no buffering, 2 and 3 are Pessimistic and Optimistic Row buffering, and 4 and 5 are Pessimistic and Optimistic Table buffering.

  2. As a workaround for the above example, modify the above code as follows:
       *  Start of code example
       LOCAL nI
       FOR nI = 1 TO 5
          USE HOME() + 'samples\data\customer'
          REPLACE company WITH ALLTRIM(company) + ' ' + ALLTRIM(STR(nI))
          * The following statement is necessary to prevent errors
          * with GETNEXTMODIFIED() if table buffering is not used
          IF CURSORGETPROP('buffering') > 3
            IF GETNEXTMODIFIED(0) > 0    && Checks for any modified records
              =TABLEUPDATE(1)            && Or whatever you want to do
                                         && before you close the table
          USE                            && Closes table
          USE HOME() + 'samples\data\customer'
       REPLACE company WITH SUBSTR(company,1,ATC('1',company,1)-1)
       *  End 
    The changed record is saved, even when table buffering is used.


Visual FoxPro 5.0 Help file; search on: "CURSORSETPROP()," "GETNEXTMODIFIED()," and "TABLEUPDATE()"

Visual FoxPro 5.0 Readme.hlp file; search on: "Using Visual FoxPro," then "Closing a Cursor with an Uncommitted Record"

Additional query words: kbdse VFoxWin

Keywords : kbVFp500 kbVFp600 FxprgTable
Version : 5.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 23, 1999
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