PRB: EXE with Included CONFIG.FPW Does Not Allow -C Option

ID: Q156057

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0


If a CONFIG.FPW configuration file is marked as Included within the Project Manager and this project is built into an EXE file, the -C Command line cannot be used to override the built-in CONFIG.FPW.


You can work around this problem in one of two ways:

  • Do not add the CONFIG.FPW to the project. Or, add it to the project but mark it Excluded. The CONFIG.FPW must be provided as a separate file but it can be overridden with a -c or -c<other config filename>.

  • -or-

  • Give the configuration file a name other than CONFIG.FPW. The configuration file must always be specified on the Command line to be utilized but can be overridden by specifying -c or -c<other config filename>.


This behavior is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Create a new project, TEST.PJX.

  2. Add a main program, TEST.PRG, with the following contents:
       =Messagebox("Main program!") 

  3. Create a CONFIG.FPW file with the following contents:
       TITLE=Built in CONFIG was used 

  4. Add the CONFIG.FPW file to the project as a Text File. It will be marked Included by default.

  5. Build an executable, TEST.EXE.

  6. Create an alternate config file, OTHER.FPW, with the following contents:
       TITLE=Alternate CONFIG 

  7. From the Win95 RUN menu, execute:
    C:\<directory with EXE>\TEST.EXE -cOTHER.FPW

Despite the -c to override the built-in CONFIG file, the main Visual FoxPro window appears with the title of "Built in CONFIG was used," demonstrating that the built-in CONFIG.FPW file was used rather than OTHER.FPW.

There are two methods to work around the problem in the above example.

Method 1:

Under step 4 above, add the following:

   4a. In the Project Manager, right-click on the Config file and select

Method 2:

Change step 3 above to read:

  1. Create a MYCONFIG.FPW file with the following contents:
          TITLE=Built in CONFIG was used 

Change step 4 above to read:

  1. Add the MYCONFIG.FPW file to the project as a Text File. It will be marked Included by default.

Now the built-in configuration file, MYCONFIG.FPW, can be utilized only by specifying the configuration file, such as C:\<directory with EXE>\TEST.EXE -cMYCONFIG.FPW. Use of -c will cause no configuration file to be used, and -cOTHER.FPW will allow OTHER.FPW to be used.

Additional query words: kbdse VFoxWin

Keywords : kbenv kbVFp500 kbVFp600 FxenvConfigfp
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 13, 1999
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