PRB: IMPORT FROM Paradox Fails on Numeric Fields on Macintosh

ID: Q156923

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b
  • Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, version 2.6a


The conversion of a Paradox database that contains numeric fields to Visual FoxPro for Macintosh 3.0b or FoxPro for Macintosh 2.6a results in a table with numeric fields that now contain zeros. The error "Numeric overflow, data was lost" may also appear. This behavior does not occur with Visual FoxPro for Windows.


Possible workarounds include the following:

  • Convert the numeric fields to character fields within Paradox, before importing and then back to numeric fields in FoxPro once the import is complete.

  • Save the Paradox table out to a delimited text file and then use the FoxPro command APPEND FROM <filename> TYPE DELIMITED, to import the data into a newly defined table structure in FoxPro.

  • Import the Paradox table into Visual FoxPro for Windows and then transport the table over to the Macintosh.


Microsoft is researching this behavior and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

Using a Paradox table, type the following command in FoxPro:
IMPORT FROM <Paradox table name> TYPE PDOX
The numeric fields within the FoxPro table contain zeros and the error "Numeric overflow, data was lost" may occur. The Character fields import correctly.

Additional query words: kbdse VFoxMac FoxMac

Keywords : kb3rdparty FxinteropDatabase
Version : MACINTOSH:2.6a,3.0b
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 13, 1999
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