HOWTO: Create a Report Based on a Query

ID: Q157947

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 5.0, 6.0


It is possible to create a report based on a query by placing the SELECT statement in the Init method of the DataEnvironment.


Use the following steps to create a report based on a query:

  1. Issue the following command in the command window:
          CREATE TABLE TEST (fld_one C(5), fld_two N(5)) 

  2. Add five records, three of them with "aaa" in fld_one.

  3. Create a report, and add the table to the DataEnvironment.

  4. Drag the fields to the detail band.

  5. Remove the Alias reference from each field in the report.

  6. In the Init method of the DataEnvironment enter the following code:
          USE test  && Only need if the table is not already open.
          SELECT fld_one, fld_two ;
            FROM Test where fld_one= "aaa" ;
            INTO CURSOR Temp 

  7. In the Destroy method of the DataEnvironment enter CLOSE ALL. (You may leave this out if you do not want to close everything.)

  8. Remove the table from the DataEnvironment.

  9. Save the report as QueryTest.

  10. In the Command window issue either of the following two commands:
           REPORT FORM Querytest to PRINT 
           REPORT FORM Querytest PREVIEW 


For another method of doing this based on a view, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q130122 HOWTO: Add SQL SELECT to the Data Environment of a Report

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbDesigner kbVFp300 kbVFp500 kbVFp600
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: August 18, 1999
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