HOWTO: Create Log File for Distributed Setup
ID: Q160243
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, Professional Edition, version 3.0b
Setup.exe can create a log file when you run it. This assists in
troubleshooting setup problems with distributed applications.
To tell Setup.exe to create a log file, follow these steps:
- In a text editor, modify the file Setup.1st.
- If you are running on Windows 95 go to the [Windows 95 Params] section
heading. If you are running on Windows NT 3.51 or higher go to the
[NT3.51 Intel Params] section.
- Under your section modify the line:
CmdLine = acmsetup /T setup.stf /S %s %s
To read:
CmdLine = acmsetup /T setup.stf /S %s %s /G "LOG.TXT"
NOTE: In Visual FoxPro 5.0, the Windows NT section already has the /G
"LOG.TXT" switch added. However, this not already added in Visual FoxPro
- Save and Close the file.
- When you run Setup.exe, Log.txt appears in the temp directory. This file
contains information about each step of the setup program and tells you
whether or not it was successful.
For more information about what switches exist for the setup application,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q137391 OFF7: Setup Switches for Office 7.0
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbsetup kbVFp300 kbVFp500 kbVFp600
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Issue type : kbhowto