FIX: Uninstalling Distributed Setup Removes OCX Licenses

ID: Q161897

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 5.0


Uninstalling a distributed .exe file by running setup from disk 1 or a network share and choosing "Remove All," removes the licenses for ActiveX Controls that were installed as part of your application. Since the licenses for ActiveX controls were removed, any other application that used the controls is no longer able to create an instance of the control. They get the following error when they try using an ActiveX control:

Appropriate license is not found.


The license key in the registry was removed by the setup program when the user did a "Remove All." A license key may affect more than one OCX. As an example, all of the Microsoft ActiveX controls that shipped with Visual FoxPro use a single license key in the registry. Therefore, if that license key is removed, ActiveX Controls from other venders may still work but ActiveX Controls from Microsoft will not.


Reinstall the application.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Create a test folder.

  2. Copy the Mscomm32.ocx to the test folder.

  3. Create a Test.txt file in the test folder. (The setup program needs a file to install.)

  4. Run the Setup Wizard on the test folder.
    In step 3, choose Netsetup.
    In step 6, make sure the ActiveX check box in the list of files is checked for the Mscomm32.ocx.

  5. After the Setup Wizard is finished, run the Setup.exe it created to install the test application

  6. After the Setup.exe finishes, run it again to get the Maintenance Setup. Choose the "Remove All" option.

  7. After the Setup.exe finishes, start Visual FoxPro and create a new form.

  8. Add an OLE Container to the form.

  9. Pick Insert Control from the Insert Object dialog box.

  10. Pick the ImageList Control from the Control Type list.

Additional query words: 0X80040112

Keywords : kbenv kbActiveX kbVFp kbVFp500afix kbVFp500bug FxinteropOcx
Version : 5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 29, 1999
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