HOWTO: Walk the Fields Collection of a Message in Active Msg
ID: Q175432
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0
Many Visual FoxPro developers might not be aware that the Active Messaging
library exists for them to use as an extremely robust alternative to canned
mail messaging API (MAPI) controls. This article is designed as part of a
short (non-interdependent) series intended to provide Visual FoxPro
developers with information, development tips, and useful snippets about
the Microsoft Active Messaging Library.
This article introduces some aspects of working with a Message objects
Fields Collection by providing a short code snippet demonstrating how to
cycle through the Fields Collection of a sample Message.
Cycling through the fields collection can be particularly useful when
trying to debug a Messaging application. This is especially true if this
method is built upon to allow walking the collections of two different
messages simultaneously and finding the differences between them.
* AM_FieldData.PRG
* ----------------
*Create a MAPI Session object then Logon. The Logon dialog can be
*bypassed by providing a valid ProfileName as the first parameter
*(as a string) to the Logon Method as seen below.
objSession = CREATEOBJECT("mapi.session")
*Get a sample message - for this example we'll take whatever is at
*the top of the Inbox
objMessage = objSession.Inbox.Messages.GetFirst
objFieldsColl = objMessage.Fields
*A key component of a Message Object is it's Fields Collection. The
*Fields Collection is composed of a variable number of Field Objects
*that each possess the properties: Name, Value, Type, and ID
intFldCnt = objFieldsColl.Count
ctrThisField = 1
FOR ctrThisField =1 TO intFldCnt
*Display Name, Value, Type, and ID properties of the Field Object
CASE TYPE("objFieldsColl.Item(ctrThisField).Value") = "C"
strValue = objFieldsColl.Item(ctrThisField).Value
CASE TYPE("objFieldsColl.Item(ctrThisField).Value") = "N"
strValue = ;
*There is a potential that a field may contain data types
*not support for display by Visual FoxPro.
strValue = "Not Displayed"
"Field #" + ALLTRIM(STR(ctrThisField)) + " of " ;
+ ALLTRIM(STR(intFldCnt)) ;
+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) ;
+ "Name : " ;
+ objFieldsColl.Item(ctrThisField).Name ;
+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) ;
+ "Value: " ;
+ strValue ;
+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) ;
+ "Type : " ;
+ ALLTRIM(STR(objFieldsColl.Item(ctrThisField).Type)) ;
+ CHR(13)+CHR(10) ;
+ "ID : " ;
+ ALLTRIM(STR(objFieldsColl.Item(ctrThisField).ID,20)))
NEXT ctrThisField
*Clean up then exit
RELEASE objFieldsColl, objMessage, objSession
For additional information on where to acquire the Active Messaging
library, see the following information in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q171440 Where to Acquire the Collaboration Data Objects Library
Further generic information on Active Messaging can be found on the Microsoft Developer Network,or in the Olemsg.hlp file, which can be obtained by following the directions in Q171440.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbcode kbActMsg kbVFp300 kbVFp500 kbVFp600
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto