HOWTO: Modify Report Fields Programmatically

ID: Q188403

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 5.0, 5.0a
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b


It may be desirable to change report fields programmatically to differentiate values or to otherwise modify the format depending on a condition. This article demonstrates how to change the font color of a report field based upon the sales totals of an individual salesperson.


The following creates a table, populates the table and runs a sales report, changing the font color to reflect sales totals. To change the color of a report field, the PenRed, PenGreen, and PenBlue fields of the report field's record are modified. This method could be used to also change the font style, font size or even to reposition the field. In addition, an entire class of objects could be changed, using REPLACE ALL <property field> WITH <property value> FOR objtype = 8, for instance.

  1. Save the following code in a program file named Maketabs.prg and run the program to create and populate a table.

    Sample Code
                *-- Code begins here.
          CREATE TABLE sales (ID c(10), invamt N(8,2))
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("JOE", 1000)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("MARY", 2000)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("HARRY", 500)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("JOE", 1001)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("MARY", 2001)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("HARRY", 501)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("JOE", 1002)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("MARY", 2002)
          INSERT INTO sales (ID, invamt) VALUES ("HARRY", 502)
          *-- Code ends here 

  2. Create a report. In the Page Header band, add a report field and make the expression In the Detail band, add a report field and make the expression salestot.invamt. In the Page Footer band, add a report field and make the expression salestot.invamt. Click the Calculations button in the Report Expression dialog box. Select Sum, click OK, and then click OK again. Save the report as Sales.frx.

  3. Save the following code in a program file named Sales.prg and run the program:
          *-- Code begins here.
          SET TALK OFF
          *-- Get a list of salespersons.
          SELECT DISTINCT id FROM sales INTO CURSOR list
          *-- Step through the list and print sales results for each
          *-- salesperson.
             SELECT * FROM sales WHERE id = INTO CURSOR salestot
             *-- Get the total sales for this person.
             SUM invamt TO lnTotal
             SELECT 0
             *-- Open the report file as a table.
             USE sales.frx
             *-- We're looking for a field (objtype) that is
             *-- calculated (totaltype) and whose expression
             *-- (expr) is equal to table field we're calculating.
             LOCATE FOR objtype = 8 AND totaltype = 2 AND ;
               ATC("salestot.invamt", expr) > 0
             *-- Save the values for the pen and fill fields.
             lnPenRed    = penred
             lnPenGreen  = pengreen
             lnPenBlue   = penblue
             *-- Modify the font color for the sales total.
             DO CASE
             CASE lnTotal > 3000 AND lnTotal < 6000  && Print green
                REPLACE penred WITH 0, pengreen WITH 255, penblue WITH 0
             CASE lnTotal > 6000  && Print blue
                REPLACE penred WITH 0, pengreen WITH 0, penblue WITH 255
             OTHERWISE  && Print dark red on white
                REPLACE penred WITH 128, pengreen WITH 0, penblue WITH 0
             SELECT salestot
             *-- Change PREVIEW to TO PRINTER to print the report.
             REPORT FORM sales PREVIEW
          *-- Restore the original values.
          USE sales.frx
          LOCATE FOR objtype = 8 AND totaltype = 2 AND ;
            ATC("sales.invamt", expr)    > 0
          REPLACE penred WITH lnPenRed, pengreen WITH lnPenGreen,;
            penblue WITH lnPenBlue
          CLOSE DATA
          *-- Code ends here. 

  4. As each report is previewed, scroll to the bottom to see the summary and observe how the color changes for each salesperson.


(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Mike Stewart, Microsoft Corporation

Additional query words: kbDSupport kbDSE FxtoolrWriter

Keywords : FxtoolRwriter
Version : MACINTOSH:3.0b; WINDOWS:3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: August 5, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.