HOWTO: Use the Password Dialog Box Foundation Class
ID: Q190682
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 6.0
This article describes how to work with the Password Dialog Box Foundation
Class included in Visual FoxPro Windows 6.0.
_login is the Password Dialog box class and it is stores in the _dialog.vcx
class library.
The properties and methods that you will need to set up a Password Dialog
box include cFieldName, cPassword, cTable, cDBFName and the Setup method.
The cTable property contains the alias name of the user password table. The
CDBFName property contains the actual filename of the user password table
with a qualified path. The cPassword property contains the name of the
field where the user password is stored. The CFieldName property contains
the name of the field storing the user name. The Setup method is to set up
the RowSource for the username drop-down list box.
Sample Code
* The following sample code creates a table with username and
* password.
CREATE TABLE cust ( username C(15), cpassw C(6))
INSERT INTO cust (username, cpassw) VALUES ("Smith","bird")
INSERT INTO cust (username, cpassw) VALUES ("Tim","dog")
INSERT INTO cust (username, cpassw) VALUES ("Robert","mouse")
INSERT INTO cust (username, cpassw) VALUES ("Tina","cat")
PUBLIC passobj
* Calls _login from _Dialogs and sets properties for the dialog.
* Adjust the path to the class library as needed.
passobj = NEWOBJECT("_login",HOME()+"ffc\_dialogs.vcx")
passobj.cDBFName = "c:\test\cust.dbf"
passobj.cTable = "cust"
passobj.cPassword = "cpassw"
passobj.cFieldName = "username"
Visual FoxPro Help; search on: Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes
Additional query words:
kbFC kbVFp600 kbXBase
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto